An intensive professional development training course on

Advanced Certificate in Communication Skills

Communication, Empathy & Motivation

Classroom Sessions

05-09 Aug 2024
London - UK
05-09 Aug 2024
London - UK
30 Sep-04 Oct 2024
Lisbon - Portugal
30 Sep-04 Oct 2024
Lisbon - Portugal
11-15 Nov 2024
Dubai - UAE
11-15 Nov 2024
Dubai - UAE
06-10 Jan 2025
London - UK
06-10 Jan 2025
London - UK
24-28 Feb 2025
Dubai - UAE
24-28 Feb 2025
Dubai - UAE
23-27 Jun 2025
New York - USA
04-08 Aug 2025
London - UK
10-14 Nov 2025
Dubai - UAE

Online Sessions

09-13 Sep 2024
09-13 Sep 2024
02-06 Jun 2025
08-12 Sep 2025
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Why Choose this Training Course?

Excellent communication is essential for the creation of a highly effective and productive organisation and workforces. In the 21st century we have more effective ways of communicating than in the past, yet good quality interpersonal communication is on the decline. The art of building rapport with people is essential for developing trust, openness and meaningful relationships.

This Advanced Communication Skills training course, investigates tried and trusted management processes, procedures and methodology used by many blue chip companies to build productive and cohesive units whilst establishing strong working relationships with people at all levels. In this AZTech training course, you will explore behaviour, communication and leadership styles

This AZTech training course will feature:

  • The art of building lasting rapport
  • Key concepts of NLP and Emotional Intelligence
  • Powerful listening and questioning techniques
  • Communicating first impressions - the secrets of body language and charisma
  • Public speaking and presenting to groups with confidence

What are the Goals?

By the end of this AZTech training course, participants will be able to:

  • Develop strategies for creating a positive work environment by build and developing motivated teams and individuals through harnessing the power of personal motivation and effective communication
  • Gain the knowledge and understanding necessary to move forward with enthusiasm and assurance
  • Gain a greater understanding of the behavioural traits of your customers, colleagues and social network by learning to adapt in order to build lasting rapport
  • Understand the key roles you have in encouraging and developing your staff
  • Develop practical solutions to work related issues through the business models of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Emotional Intelligence and psychometric profiling

Who is this Training Course for?

This AZTech training course is suitable for middle and senior managers responsible for building and propelling their organizations into the future as industry beacons. Ideally suited for executives of all levels, human resource personnel, and professionals who need to communicate effectively with staff, colleagues and customers.

This training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals, but will greatly benefit:

  • Individuals with leadership potential
  • Individuals being developed for promotion
  • Individuals who need to communicate effectively to fulfil their role
  • Individuals who can disseminate newly learned skills within the workplace
  • Individuals who wan to be able to build lasting rapport with those around them

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This AZTech training course will utilize a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. The course is carefully designed to address all styles of learning and to engage participants fully. Lectures and discussions are either preceded or followed by powerful individual or group exercises. These exercises provide opportunities for personal participation in real situations. This process makes training exciting, fun filled, fast-paced, challenging and empowering. This AZTech training course uses the cutting-edge skills of NLP and Emotional Intelligence to open your mind to how people think.

The Course Content

Day One:  How to Build Lasting Rapport
  • The art of building lasting rapport
  • How to identify behavioural traits and react to them
  • How to modify your own behaviour to match other’s
  • Sharpen your senses to the signals others are sending you
  • Connect with colleagues and clients at a level that creates deeper trust and commitment
  • Read body language in order to understand how others are thinking and responding to you
Day Two:  Self-Awareness: How to Gain a Greater Understanding of Yourself
  • Key concepts of NLP and Emotional Intelligence
  • Connecting your feelings for greater self-awareness
  • Eliciting emotions
  • Noticing your unconscious messages and following your intuitions
  • Self-talk and what it means
  • Internal and external referencing
Day Three:  Crystal Clear Communication
  • Powerful listening and questioning techniques
  • Thinking and language patterns
  • Sub-modalities
  • Perceptual positions
  • Climates of trust
  • Well-formed outcomes
Day Four:  Empathy: The Ability to Understand Situations from Another’s Perspective
  • Review how to sharpen your senses to the signals others are sending you
  • Communicating first impressions - the secrets of body language
  • How we communicate
  • Filters to communication
  • Learning Styles
  • Modelling: how others do things
Day Five:  Motivation: How to Get the Most from Yourself and Other
  • Logical levels of change
  • The importance of values in motivation
  • Eliciting values for yourself and your organisation
  • Setting goals that motivate
  • Creating a positive future for your organisation
  • Testing your well-formed outcomes
Day Four:  Empathy: The Ability to Understand Situations from Another’s Perspective
  • Logical levels of change
  • The importance of values in motivation
  • Eliciting values for yourself and your organisation
  • Setting goals that motivate
  • Creating a positive future for your organisation
  • Testing your well-formed outcomes
Day Five:  Motivation: How to Get the Most from Yourself and Other
  • Review how to sharpen your senses to the signals others are sending you
  • Communicating first impressions - the secrets of body language
  • How we communicate
  • Filters to communication
  • Learning Styles
  • Modelling: how others do things
Day Three:  Crystal Clear Communication
  • Powerful listening and questioning techniques
  • Thinking and language patterns
  • Sub-modalities
  • Perceptual positions
  • Climates of trust
  • Well-formed outcomes
Day Two:  Self-Awareness: How to Gain a Greater Understanding of Yourself
  • Key concepts of NLP and Emotional Intelligence
  • Connecting your feelings for greater self-awareness
  • Eliciting emotions
  • Noticing your unconscious messages and following your intuitions
  • Self-talk and what it means
  • Internal and external referencing
Day One:  How to Build Lasting Rapport
  • The art of building lasting rapport
  • How to identify behavioural traits and react to them
  • How to modify your own behaviour to match other’s
  • Sharpen your senses to the signals others are sending you
  • Connect with colleagues and clients at a level that creates deeper trust and commitment
  • Read body language in order to understand how others are thinking and responding to you

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course

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