An intensive professional development training course on

HSSE Principles

& Practices

Breaking Down Barriers to HSSE Excellence

Classroom Sessions

07-11 Oct 2024
Dubai - UAE
07-11 Oct 2024
Dubai - UAE
31 Mar-04 Apr 2025
London - UK
30 Jun-04 Jul 2025
Dubai - UAE
06-10 Oct 2025
Dubai - UAE

Online Sessions

08-12 Jul 2024
08-12 Jul 2024
26-30 Aug 2024
26-30 Aug 2024
14-18 Oct 2024
14-18 Oct 2024
02-06 Jun 2025
25-29 Aug 2025
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Why Choose this Training Course?

"HSSE is Everyone’s Business"

Attendance on this new Advanced Health & Safety, Security and Environment training course will clearly demonstrate how forward looking individuals and organisations can achieve commitment in establishing and maintaining safe and secure working conditions that also totally respect the physical environment they occupy.

Incorporating good leadership skills HSSE brings together three fields of expertise, all of which come under the auspices of an Integrated Management System. To ensure that you are part of this continued successful approach attendance of this advanced training course is essential and will provide you with the new competencies required to lead in this demanding combined field.

This AZTech training course will feature:

  • Leadership Safety Excellence
  • Roles, Responsibilities, Accountability and Authority
  • Organisational and Environmental Risk, Threats and Impact Perspectives
  • Incident & Accident Investigations & Reporting
  • Emergency Preparedness, Response and Business Resilience & Recovery
  • Security Management, protection of people, assets, reputation & data
  • Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) cycle for continual improvement

What are the Goals?

By the end of this AZTech training course, participants will be able to:

  • Design new leadership traits that can and will make the difference
  • Develop the necessary communication skills to work with all stakeholders
  • Develop rational problem solving and decision-making skills for emergencies
  • Develop the knowledge and skills required to investigate all adverse events
  • Enhance your Safety and Security Management leadership skills

Who is this Training Course for?

This Advanced AZTech training course is ideal to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit those persons responsible for leading Health & Safety, Security and Environment projects or departments within an organisation at a global, regional or local level. Directors, Departmental heads, HSSE managers and advisors and others interested in developing safety, security and environmental leadership skills from tomorrow’s best practices.

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This Advanced training course will utilise a variety of proven highly interactive adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This includes syndicate and individual exercises, relevant DVD and case studies and role-play exercises. A comprehensive hard and e-version of the course manual including copies of all slides, hand-outs and checklists will be provided.

The Course Content

Day One: HSSE Roles, Responsibilities, Accountability and Authority

Successful implementation of the HSSE integration management process/system is one of changing the culture from “you have to do it” to “wanting to do it”.

  • Why do accidents still occur? Human factors, triggers and consequences
  • Conscious and unconscious influences within a safety culture
  • Effective, behavioural and cognitive psychology
  • Understand the psychology behind human behaviour
  • Pragmatic solutions to improve your Safety Management Systems (SMS)
  • Improving leadership and communication skills and the use of social media
Day Two: Organisational & Environmental Risk, Threats & Impact Perspectives

The process of gathering, processing and reporting of HSSE data for Risk, Threats and Impact is part of the HSSE Management System.

  • Recognising the threats, probability, severity, consequences and exposure
  • Hazard identification & Risk Management
  • Major Hazards and Prevention
  • ISO31000 and Safety Excellence
  • Occupational and Process Safety
  • Inspection and Auditing
Day Three: Emergency Preparedness Response, Crisis Management & Business Resilience

 Anticipating crises and emergencies before they occur. Mitigating the items covered in Day Two by making individuals and the organisation more resilient.

  • Emergency Response Plans and Control Centres, who should be involved?
  • Managing the Response: Strategic, Tactical & Operational
  • On-scene management- Decision making in critical situations
  • Keep critical functions up and running during times of change and crises
  • Business Continuity, Resilience& Recovery
  • Mutual Aid with On and Off Site consequences
Day Four: Incident & Accident Investigation and Reporting

Even a minor or near-miss incident requires a thorough investigation revealing potential for a serious future event should the conditions be left uncorrected.

  • All incidents are thoroughly and professionally investigated
  • Six-step investigation process
  • Role of HSSE Team Leader and Management during an Investigation
  • Investigation methodology, the essential checklist & process
  • Listen and Learn, and Learn to Look and Listen More!
  • Report writing techniques which will ‘persuade’ and ‘empower’ actions
Day Five: Security Management, Planning & Asset Protection

Achieving the HSSE leader´s mission of protecting people, assets, reputation and data in the digital and physical world.

  • HSSE Security Survey and Evacuation Techniques
  • Physical Security, Key Point Identification
  • Personnel Security
  • Cyber and Information Security and Data Protection
  • Loss of Reputation
  • Special Risks: Terrorism, Bomb Warnings and Search Techniques
Day One: HSSE Roles, Responsibilities, Accountability and Authority

Even a minor or near-miss incident requires a thorough investigation revealing potential for a serious future event should the conditions be left uncorrected.

  • All incidents are thoroughly and professionally investigated
  • Six-step investigation process
  • Role of HSSE Team Leader and Management during an Investigation
  • Investigation methodology, the essential checklist & process
  • Listen and Learn, and Learn to Look and Listen More!
  • Report writing techniques which will ‘persuade’ and ‘empower’ actions
Day Five: Security Management, Planning & Asset Protection

The process of gathering, processing and reporting of HSSE data for Risk, Threats and Impact is part of the HSSE Management System.

  • Recognising the threats, probability, severity, consequences and exposure
  • Hazard identification & Risk Management
  • Major Hazards and Prevention
  • ISO31000 and Safety Excellence
  • Occupational and Process Safety
  • Inspection and Auditing
Day Four: Incident & Accident Investigation and Reporting

Achieving the HSSE leader´s mission of protecting people, assets, reputation and data in the digital and physical world.

  • HSSE Security Survey and Evacuation Techniques
  • Physical Security, Key Point Identification
  • Personnel Security
  • Cyber and Information Security and Data Protection
  • Loss of Reputation
  • Special Risks: Terrorism, Bomb Warnings and Search Techniques
Day Two: Organisational & Environmental Risk, Threats & Impact Perspectives

Successful implementation of the HSSE integration management process/system is one of changing the culture from “you have to do it” to “wanting to do it”.

  • Why do accidents still occur? Human factors, triggers and consequences
  • Conscious and unconscious influences within a safety culture
  • Effective, behavioural and cognitive psychology
  • Understand the psychology behind human behaviour
  • Pragmatic solutions to improve your Safety Management Systems (SMS)
  • Improving leadership and communication skills and the use of social media
Day Three: Emergency Preparedness Response, Crisis Management & Business Resilience

 Anticipating crises and emergencies before they occur. Mitigating the items covered in Day Two by making individuals and the organisation more resilient.

  • Emergency Response Plans and Control Centres, who should be involved?
  • Managing the Response: Strategic, Tactical & Operational
  • On-scene management- Decision making in critical situations
  • Keep critical functions up and running during times of change and crises
  • Business Continuity, Resilience& Recovery
  • Mutual Aid with On and Off Site consequences

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course


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