An intensive professional development training course on

Building My
Leadership Philosophy

The Emotionally Resilient Leader

02-06 Sep 2024
Houston - USA
02-06 Sep 2024
Houston - USA
21-25 Oct 2024
London - UK
21-25 Oct 2024
London - UK
16-20 Dec 2024
Amsterdam - The Netherlands
16-20 Dec 2024
Amsterdam - The Netherlands
30 Jun-04 Jul 2025
Dubai - UAE
01-05 Sep 2025
Houston - USA
20-24 Oct 2025
London - UK
15-19 Dec 2025
Amsterdam - The Netherlands
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Why Choose this Training Course?

With the turmoil created from the COVID-19 pandemic, bringing rapid change and upheaval, these challenges identified a requirement for a different kind of mindset.  Quick thinking and rapid decision making, but also the ability to be able to deal with the rapid pressures and stress; and have the mental capacity and fortitude to lead.  This global situation has demonstrated that a special type of leader is required to face these challenges now - and in the future – leaders who possess ‘Emotional Resilience’ (ER).  Emotional Resilience (ER) ‘the ability to cope in times of pressure and stress’, is now a key differentiator for leaders in the present and the future.

This truly innovative, dynamic, and highly interactive AZTech training course has been developed to explore new approaches of leading through the development of your Emotional Resilience (ER).  This is now one of the most important leadership attributes to face the challenges in the new emerging world, and those who possess this knowledge and understanding will succeed.  Combining key psychological and behavioural concepts with up-to-date practical tools, this is essential development for those who wish to ‘future-proof’ their leadership development.

This training course will feature:

  • How traditional leadership has impacted the status of the world, and how those with strong Emotional Resilience (ER) win through
  • The key psychological and behavioural factors needed to develop powerful Emotional Resilience (ER)
  • How to develop a powerful Emotionally Resilient (ER) mindset in times of crisis and need; ‘mental fortitude’
  • The key engagement and influencing skills needed for leading others in times of need
  • How to make more rapid, effective, and efficient decisions to lead others
  • The methods to develop self-confidence and a stronger Emotional Resilience (ER) culture in the organisation

What are the Goals?

By the end of this AZTech training course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the power of Emotional Resilience (ER) verses Emotional Intelligence (EI)
  • Develop your Emotional Resilience to cope with varying change and crisis
  • Influence and build strong emotional connections with others
  • Apply techniques to lead others through your Emotional Resilience presence
  • Demonstrate performance and mental fortitude mind set techniques
  • Build self-confidence and organisational Emotional Resilience

Who is this Training Course for?

This training course will help you to become emotionally resilient and help you to remain calm, confident and in control in all situations.

This AZTech training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Senior Executives
  • Business Leaders
  • Managers
  • Team leaders
  • Those working in high pressure roles
  • Those suffering from stress
  • People who wish to deal with negative thoughts
  • People who suffer from overthinking
  • Those wishing to build their self confidence

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This AZTech training course will utilize a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This includes highly interactive exercises, case studies and targeted videos relevant to the topic area.  This will be reinforced through active facilitation, group dialogue and feedback throughout.  In addition, a Profile Assessment will be used to highlight the leadership style of the individual, in correlation with their Emotional Resilience factor, with 1-2-1 constructive development feedback provided by the course Facilitator.

The Course Content

Day One: The Importance of Emotional Resilience to Lead
  • The changing face of Leadership: VUCA, Pandemics and Disasters
  • Defining Emotional Resilience and its future importance
  • Emotional Resilience (ER) V Emotional Intelligence (EI)
  • The importance of defining your personal leadership presence
  • The rapid impact of Change and how to Lead
  • Profile Assessment (leadership & ER profile) and review
Day Two: Developing Your Emotional Resilience Inner Strength
  • The power of the mind
  • Skills to improve your positive mental attitude (PMA)
  • Controlling your inner reactions and mental discipline
  • Taking account for actions and dealing with the consequences
  • Developing mindful tenacity and assertiveness
  • Testing your Emotional Resilience: practical exercise
Day Three: Leading through Emotional Resilience Decision Making
  • Rapid problem-solving techniques: problem and need
  • Develop your Creative and Rapid Thinking: models and skills
  • Using Advanced Structured Idea generation techniques
  • From Problem to the Solution: key factors in decision making
  • Understanding Convergent and Divergent decision making
  • The Decision-Making Funnel Model
Day Four: Overcoming Conflict, Negativity and Stressful Situations
  • Overcoming negativity in self and others
  • Gaining trust & positive influence
  • Dealing with conflict in a positive way
  • Coping strategies for stressful situations: mental fortitude
  • Ensuring the well-being of others and your team
  • Leading through empowerment
Day Five: Personal Emotional Resilience Leadership & Culture
  • Defining organisational culture
  • The key benefits of a strong Emotional Resilient organisation
  • Developing the key organisational messages needed
  • Embedding well-being and emotional resilience in the organization
  • Producing your Personal Emotional Development Action Plan
  • Next Steps on your Emotional Resilience Leadership journey
Day Four: Transactional, Transformational and Leader–Member Exchange Theory
  • Recognize their own emotions and those of others
  • Adapting to environments to achieve one's goal
  • Emotional intelligence for good interpersonal communication
  • Neo-Emergent style based on creating a collaborative culture
  • Dramatically increasing innovation and profit
  • Case Studies, scenarios and practical exercises
Day Five: Emotions Intelligence and Neo-Emergent Theory
  • Early Leadership history
  • Values, beliefs and development of early leadership
  • The rise and fall of Trait Theory
  • The ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ of Trait Theory
  • The re-emergence of Trait Theory and its relevance today
  • Case Studies, scenarios and practical exercises
Day One: Early Leadership and Rise of Trait Theory
  • Behaviour and Style concepts of leadership
  • Learning how to become a leader
  • How Situational & Contingence theories developed
  • The style of action based upon situational variables
  • The action based upon the follower’s style and variables
  • Case Studies, scenarios and practical exercises
Day Two: Behavioural, Style, Situational and Contingency Theory
  • Functional behaviours that contribute to organizational effectiveness
  • Efficient vs. Effective leadership
  • Influencing your organization with strict moral codes
  • Ethical & Moral Leadership
  • Psychological theory, using the old and adding “leadership presence”
  • Case Studies, scenarios and practical exercises
Day Three: Functional and Integrated Psychological Theory
  • The Transactional leader who holds power and control over employees
  • Rewards and punishments
  • Transformational style that can inspire positive changes
  • Improving process and leading innovation
  • Leader-Member relationship between leaders and followers
  • Case Studies, scenarios and practical exercises

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course


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