An intensive professional development training course on

Community Needs Assessment
and Impact Evaluation

23-27 Jun 2025
Barcelona - Spain
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Why Choose this Training Course?

Welcome to the "Community Needs Assessment and Impact Evaluation" training course. This training course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct effective community needs assessments and impact evaluations. These tools are crucial for organizations and individuals striving to make a positive impact on their communities by understanding their unique needs and evaluating the outcomes of their programs and initiatives.

What are the Goals?

By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of community needs assessment and impact evaluation in community development and program improvement
  • Define and grasp key concepts related to community assessment and evaluation, including data collection, analysis, and ethical considerations
  • Develop the ability to plan and design a comprehensive community needs assessment, including setting objectives, defining research questions, and creating logical models
  • Gain proficiency in various data collection methods, both quantitative and qualitative, and understand data analysis techniques
  • Explore different types of impact evaluations and learn to design effective evaluation strategies
  • Develop skills in reporting and communicating assessment and evaluation findings to stakeholders
  • Apply community assessment and evaluation skills to real-world scenarios, integrating them into program planning and decision-making processes
  • Navigate and adhere to ethical considerations and maintain ethical standards in community assessment and evaluation work

Who is this Training Course for?

This AZTech training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Staff members and leaders of nonprofit organizations that work directly with communities to address social issues and deliver programs and services.
  • Employees in government departments or agencies responsible for community development, public health, social services, or grant administration.
  • Community leaders, advocates, and activists who want to better understand the needs of their communities and improve their advocacy efforts.
  • Professionals responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating community-based programs and initiatives.
  • Researchers and Academics
  • Social workers and counselors working with at-risk populations who need to assess client needs and measure program outcomes.
  • Professionals involved in fundraising and grant writing who want to strengthen their proposals with robust assessment and evaluation plans.
  • Independent consultants or consulting firms that provide services related to community assessment and evaluation.
  • Healthcare administrators, practitioners, and public health professionals looking to improve community health and wellness programs.
  • Anyone Interested in Community Development

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This AZTech training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This will include an interactive mixture of lecture-led learning & group discussions.

The Course Content

Day One: Introduction and Fundamentals
  • Welcome and course overview
  • Importance of community needs assessment and impact evaluation
  • Key concepts and definitions
  • Theoretical frameworks and models
  • Identifying stakeholders and their roles
Day Two: Planning and Designing a Community Needs Assessment
  • Defining the purpose and objectives
  • Setting SMART goals
  • Developing a research question
  • Creating a logic model or theory of change
  • Sampling techniques and considerations
Day Three: Data Collection and Analysis
  • Quantitative vs. qualitative data
  • Survey design and administration
  • Interview techniques
  • Focus group discussions
  • Data analysis methods
Day Four: Impact Evaluation and Reporting
  • Types of impact evaluations
  • Counterfactuals and control groups
  • Evaluation designs (e.g., randomized control trials, quasi-experimental)
  • Reporting and communication of findings
  • Data visualization and interpretation
Day Five: Applying Community Assessment and Evaluation Skills
  • Case studies of successful community assessments and evaluations
  • Integrating assessment into program planning
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of community programs
  • Ethical considerations in community assessment and evaluation
  • Practical exercise: Developing a community assessment and evaluation plan for a real-world scenario
Day Five: Applying Community Assessment and Evaluation Skills
  • Types of impact evaluations
  • Counterfactuals and control groups
  • Evaluation designs (e.g., randomized control trials, quasi-experimental)
  • Reporting and communication of findings
  • Data visualization and interpretation
Day Three: Data Collection and Analysis
  • Quantitative vs. qualitative data
  • Survey design and administration
  • Interview techniques
  • Focus group discussions
  • Data analysis methods
Day Two: Planning and Designing a Community Needs Assessment
  • Defining the purpose and objectives
  • Setting SMART goals
  • Developing a research question
  • Creating a logic model or theory of change
  • Sampling techniques and considerations
Day One: Introduction and Fundamentals
  • Case studies of successful community assessments and evaluations
  • Integrating assessment into program planning
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of community programs
  • Ethical considerations in community assessment and evaluation
  • Practical exercise: Developing a community assessment and evaluation plan for a real-world scenario
Day Four: Impact Evaluation and Reporting
  • Welcome and course overview
  • Importance of community needs assessment and impact evaluation
  • Key concepts and definitions
  • Theoretical frameworks and models
  • Identifying stakeholders and their roles

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course


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