An intensive professional development training course on

Reading, Writing & Negotiating

Legal Agreements that Maximise the
Deal’s Potential and Minimise its Risks

Classroom Sessions

19-23 Aug 2024
London - UK
19-23 Aug 2024
London - UK
25-29 Nov 2024
Dubai - UAE
25-29 Nov 2024
Dubai - UAE
17-21 Feb 2025
Dubai - UAE
17-21 Feb 2025
Dubai - UAE
12-16 May 2025
Dubai - UAE
12-16 May 2025
Dubai - UAE
18-22 Aug 2025
London - UK
24-28 Nov 2025
Dubai - UAE

Online Sessions

26-30 Aug 2024
26-30 Aug 2024
02-06 Dec 2024
02-06 Dec 2024
27-31 Jan 2025
27-31 Jan 2025
28 Apr-02 May 2025
28 Apr-02 May 2025
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Why Choose this Training Course?

This Contracts: Reading, Writing and Negotiating training course offers strategies and techniques to appreciably enhance your ability to develop better contracts, and better solutions to disputes. Business professionals need to understand what a contract permits or requires the parties to do, or prevents them from doing, and the consequences of failure. Too often, the wording used in legal agreements is not properly understood by those who are making the key contractual decisions. There may also be problems in assessing amendments proposed by the other party, and determining whether they are reasonable, or will damage your company’s position.

This AZTech training course will feature:

  • Guidance and practice in drafting, amending and negotiating principal contract clauses
  • How to use contract provisions to manage commercial risk, and reduce the risk of disputes
  • Use of appropriate wording to protect your company’s interests
  • Effective management of claims and resolution of disputes
  • Principles widely used in international contracting

What are the Goals?

By the end of this AZTech training course, participants will be able to:

  • Deploy their negotiation skills to create better agreements
  • Demonstrate the ability to draft and amend contract documents
  • Recognise key contract management issues
  • Appreciate how contract clauses can be used to avoid, reduce or transfer risk
  • Perform more skilfully in managing claims and disputes


Who is this Training Course for?

This AZTech training course will benefit all levels of personnel engaged in procurement, contract development and negotiation, contract management, operations, and dispute management. This training course is suitable to a wide range of contracts professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Contract Engineers, Contract Analysts, Contract Managers and Contract Professionals
  • Contract Administrators
  • Procurement and Supply officers, Buyers, Purchasing Professionals
  • Project Coordinators, Project Managers and other Project Professionals
  • Claims Personnel, including legal advisers

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This AZTech training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. Delegates will be encouraged to raise their own issues and problems faced within their industry or organisations for discussion on a confidential basis.  The training course also includes high levels of participant discussion, group interaction, delegate group exercises and case studies using existing contemporary English language contracts in many jurisdictions.

The Course Content

Day One: The Commercial Use of Contracts
  • The purpose of Legal Agreements
  • Turning Agreements into Binding Contracts
  • Controlling Risk using Different Types of Contract
  • Contract Models and Templates
  • Interim agreements: Letters of Intent and similar tools
  • Choice of Law, Forum and Jurisdiction
Day Two: Contract Drafting as Writing
  • The drafting process
  • Developing a suitable Contract Structure
  • Defined Terms and Principal Sections
  • Boilerplate Provisions
  • Style and Type of Language
  • Common Words and Phrases
Day Three: Rights and Obligations – the Main Clauses
  • Delivery, Performance and Acceptance
  • Clauses that manage Risk
  • Contract change terms
  • Price and Payment
  • Bonds, Guarantees, Warranties
  • Intellectual Property rights
Day Four: How can Things Go Wrong?
  • Contract Default
  • Liquidated Damages and Penalties
  • Limits/Exclusions of Liability
  • Force Majeure
  • Indemnities and Insurance
  • Suspension and Termination
Day Five: Negotiation and Resolution of Disputes
  • Negotiation – Tools and Techniques
  • Dispute Resolution clauses
  • Litigation and Arbitration
  • Mediation and other Alternative Dispute Resolution methods
  • Tips and traps in contract development
  • Training course summary and review
Day One: The Commercial Use of Contracts
  • Negotiation – Tools and Techniques
  • Dispute Resolution clauses
  • Litigation and Arbitration
  • Mediation and other Alternative Dispute Resolution methods
  • Tips and traps in contract development
  • Training course summary and review
Day Four: How can Things Go Wrong?
  • The drafting process
  • Developing a suitable Contract Structure
  • Defined Terms and Principal Sections
  • Boilerplate Provisions
  • Style and Type of Language
  • Common Words and Phrases
Day Two: Contract Drafting as Writing
  • Delivery, Performance and Acceptance
  • Clauses that manage Risk
  • Contract change terms
  • Price and Payment
  • Bonds, Guarantees, Warranties
  • Intellectual Property rights
Day Three: Rights and Obligations – the Main Clauses
  • Contract Default
  • Liquidated Damages and Penalties
  • Limits/Exclusions of Liability
  • Force Majeure
  • Indemnities and Insurance
  • Suspension and Termination
Day Five: Negotiation and Resolution of Disputes
  • The purpose of Legal Agreements
  • Turning Agreements into Binding Contracts
  • Controlling Risk using Different Types of Contract
  • Contract Models and Templates
  • Interim agreements: Letters of Intent and similar tools
  • Choice of Law, Forum and Jurisdiction

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course

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