An intensive professional development training course on

Disruptive Coaching for
Game-Changing Results
in a VUCA World

26-30 Aug 2024
Istanbul - Turkey
26-30 Aug 2024
Istanbul - Turkey
16-20 Dec 2024
Dubai - UAE
16-20 Dec 2024
Dubai - UAE
21-25 Apr 2025
London - UK
15-19 Dec 2025
Dubai - UAE
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Why Choose this Training Course?

The World is changing and as we transition through the 4th Industrial Revolution – AI and robotics, virtual workplaces, disruptive technologies, and new generations are challenges facing all industries and all countries.  As a manager or leader knowing how to manage, lead and coach through this disruption is a vital skill. VUCA is the "new norm" of the modern world.

An effective and disruptive coaching programme will include a range of techniques from communication skills, counselling techniques, human psychological processes, and an understanding of human development. This Aztech training course will introduce participants to the core skills of Workplace Coaching suitable for Disruptive Coaching for Game-Changing Results in a VUCA World

This training course will feature:

  • An understanding of the key components of VUCA
  • The fundamentals of Disruptive Innovation (DI)
  • Motivational workplace coaching techniques
  • Effective communication skills required for effective coaching
  • How to use motivational coaching with any employee

What are the Goals?

By the end of this training course, participants will be able to: 

  • Understand the impact of VUCA in today’s world
  • Critically analyse the VUCA principles
  • Describe the fundamentals of innovation
  • Demonstrate advanced coaching skills
  • Utilize motivational coaching techniques in the workplace

Who is this Training Course for?

This AZTech training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Any professional who needs to develop their skills in coaching others
  • All Managers, Supervisors, Team Leaders, and Section Heads
  • Senior Managers in government or the private sector
  • Marketing & PR Specialists
  • Human Resource (HR) Professionals
  • Learning and Development professionals

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This AZTech training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension, and retention of the information presented. This includes stimulating presentations supporting each of the topics together with interactive trainer lead sessions of discussion. There will be practical sessions where participants can practice and experience course-related activities. Realistic and fun exercises, short video presentations, small group work, and case studies, will be used to facilitate learning. Role plays, and interactive exercises will be used throughout the course.

The Course Content

Day One: VUCA and the Modern World
  • Traditional Leadership styles vs. VUCA Leadership
  • Volatility to Vision
  • Uncertainty to Understanding 
  • Complexity to Clarity
  • Ambiguity to Agility
Day Two: Disruptive Innovation (DI)
  • The techniques and challenges of innovation
  • Disruptive technology and disruptive innovation
  • Culture and Innovation
  • Creating a workplace culture that supports innovation
  • Creative thinking and innovation
Day Three: Coaching Foundation
  • Understanding human development
  • Distinguishing between coaching and other interventions
  • Establishing the Coaching Agreement
  • Key Coaching Skills (diagnostic, techniques, qualities, model)
  • Coaching Procedures Assessment Questionnaire
Day Four: Advanced Communication for Effective Coaching
  • Understanding your personal communication style
  • Active listening; Questioning techniques
  • Direct Communication; SOLER Model for Coaching
  • Language - verbal and non-verbal
  • Giving Effective Feedback with Emotional Intelligence (EI)
Day Five: Co-Creating the Relationship
  • Coaching Presence; The Coaching Cycle
  • Preparation, Explanation, Demonstration, and Imitation
  • Consolidation and Review in the Cycle (PEDICR)
  • Planning a coaching session
  • Personal action planning
Day Two: Disruptive Innovation (DI)
  • Understanding human development
  • Distinguishing between coaching and other interventions
  • Establishing the Coaching Agreement
  • Key Coaching Skills (diagnostic, techniques, qualities, model)
  • Coaching Procedures Assessment Questionnaire
Day One: VUCA and the Modern World
  • The techniques and challenges of innovation
  • Disruptive technology and disruptive innovation
  • Culture and Innovation
  • Creating a workplace culture that supports innovation
  • Creative thinking and innovation
Day Four: Advanced Communication for Effective Coaching
  • Traditional Leadership styles vs. VUCA Leadership
  • Volatility to Vision
  • Uncertainty to Understanding 
  • Complexity to Clarity
  • Ambiguity to Agility
Day Three: Coaching Foundation
  • Coaching Presence; The Coaching Cycle
  • Preparation, Explanation, Demonstration, and Imitation
  • Consolidation and Review in the Cycle (PEDICR)
  • Planning a coaching session
  • Personal action planning
Day Five: Co-Creating the Relationship
  • Understanding your personal communication style
  • Active listening; Questioning techniques
  • Direct Communication; SOLER Model for Coaching
  • Language - verbal and non-verbal
  • Giving Effective Feedback with Emotional Intelligence (EI)

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course

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