An intensive professional development training course on

Integrating Strategic,
& Tactical Leadership
for Outstanding Performance

Achieving Synergy in Organisational Leadership

22 Jul-02 Aug 2024
Dubai - UAE
22 Jul-02 Aug 2024
Dubai - UAE
21 Oct-01 Nov 2024
Rome - Italy
21 Oct-01 Nov 2024
Rome - Italy
06-17 Jan 2025
London - UK
06-17 Jan 2025
London - UK
21 Jul-01 Aug 2025
Dubai - UAE
20-31 Oct 2025
Rome - Italy
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Why Choose this Training Course?

This Integrating Strategic, Operational & Tactical Leadership for Outstanding Performance training course provides professionals with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to achieve outstanding organisational results. It covers the principle management and leadership concepts and competencies needed to formulate and execute strategy; how to create operational structures, systems, processes, and resources to execute the strategy; how to support front-line managers and employees by creating the conditions to help them succeed; and finally to actually lead and manage tactically on the front-lines. This Managemend and Leadership training course includes the ability to motivate and inspire people on an individual and collective basis. This Integrating Strategic, Operational & Tactical Leadership for Outstanding Performance training course integrates the most effective and efficient methods for building and leading dynamic, adaptable, and highly competitive teams and organisations.

This AZTech training course will feature:

  • Fundamentals of planning, execution and progress/results measurement
  • Nested hierarchical planning, mission analysis and mission leadership
  • The fundamental principles common to all types of leadership, and the characteristics proper to strategic, operational, and tactical leadership
  • Leadership Development Framework: How leaders develop, progress, and grow, and the techniques to foster this evolution
  • Selection and maintenance of the aim: Determining and communicating one’s vision and mission and their relation to intrinsic motivation, initiative and transformational leadership at all levels of the business

The Structure

This comprehensive training course consists of two modules which can be booked as a 10 Day Training event, or as individual, 5 Day training courses.

Module 1 - Strategy Excellence: From Strategic Vision to Tactical Execution

Module 2 - Effective Organisational Leadership

What are the Goals?

By the end of this AZTech training course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the planning and execution framework at all levels of the organisation
  • Recognize and apply the concepts and principles of strategy, operational planning and tactical execution
  • Create and maintain organisational structures, processes, and systems to ensure tactical, operational and strategic success
  • Understand and apply the strategic, operational, and tactical leadership framework
  • Identify and assess linkages and interrelations of leadership with strategy, operations, organisation, and tactics

Who is this Training Course for?

Executives, Entrepreneurs, and Managers who must build and lead dynamic and high performing teams and organisations in demanding, competitive conditions are encouraged to attend to this training course.

This AZTech training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Line and functional Managers, Team Leaders and Supervisors in organisations of all sizes
  • Professionals responsible for strategy, marketing, business development, production, operations, HR and/or product development
  • Intermediate and advanced level Managers, Team Leaders and Supervisors within all sectors, private and public, profit and not-for-profit

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This includes speaker input, facilitated discussion, syndicate work and practical exercises, videos, self-tests, all with an emphasis on delegate involvement throughout.

The Course Content

Module 1: Strategy Excellence: From Strategic Vision to Tactical Execution
Day One: Understanding Strategy and Strategy Execution
  • Defining and Understanding of Strategy 
  • Linking Strategy to Action 
  • Setting Long Term Organisational Destination – Strategy is about Where are you Heading
  • Strategy Documentation, Communication and Duration
  • Defining Strategy and Operational Effectiveness – What is the difference?
  • Barriers and Success Factors related to Strategy Execution including Leadership and Culture
Day Two: From Vision to Results: The Planning and Execution Framework
  • Understanding the distinction between Strategy, Operations and Tactics
  • How Planning and Execution Work
  • Impact of Mission and Vision Statements on Strategic Planning
  • Mission Analysis and Mission Leadership
  • Measuring Progress and Results
  • The Gap between Strategy and Performance
Day Three: Turning Strategy into Actionable Plan
  • Invisibility of Performance Bottlenecks to Top Management
  • Under Performance Culture Impact on Strategy and Performance Gap
  • How to close the strategy and performance gap
  • The Four Successful Steps in Turning Strategy into Actionable Plan
  • Building A Strategy – Focused Organisation (SFO)
  • The Six Loop Strategy Execution System including the Office of Strategy Management (OSM)
Day Four: Understanding the Meaning of Performance Measurements and Management
  • Why do we need Performance Management System?
  • Characteristics of Good Measures
  • The Balanced Scorecard
  • Defining Critical Success Factors
  • Organisational Excellence
  • How to Develop and Standardise Performance Metrics
Day Five: Implementing a Successful Performance Management System
  • Gaining Management Commitment and Selecting a Winning Team
  • Planning for Success – Strategic Business Planning Framework
  • Performance Contract Framework
  • The usage of charts in presenting effective reports
  • Complete exercise on how to develop a Balanced Scorecard from scratch
  • Conclusion and Wrap Up
Day Six: Understanding Organisational Leadership
  • Defining Leadership in an Organisation
  • Key behavioural factors in Leadership
  • Leading in the modern world: VUCA
  • Understanding strategic, operational and tactical leadership
  • Leading Change in an organisation
  • Leadership assessment: Strategic, Operational, Tactical
Day Seven: Vision and Strategy: Strategic Leadership
  • Characteristics of Strategic Leaders
  • Strategic data and planning factors
  • Developing Strategy: Mission or Mantra?
  • Building your Leadership brand
  • Inspirational engagement and influence
  • Communicate and cascading Strategy to gain buy-in
Day Eight: Implement & Perform: Tactical Leadership
  • Characteristics and behaviours of Tactical Leaders
  • Tactical Intelligence data and planning
  • Managing performance and motivation
  • Understanding Team Dynamics
  • Building Team cohesiveness
  • Coach and engage for success
Module 2: Effective Organisational Leadership
Day Nine: Linking Strategic to Tactical: Operational Leadership
  • Characteristics and requirements of Operational Leaders
  • Mastering Operational Management principles
  • Linking strategic goals to tactical objectives
  • Managing key stakeholders: Cross-departmental cooperation
  • Managing Operational Meetings
  • Turning negative ideas in to positive achievements
Day Ten: Creating the Leadership Organisation
  • Creating an organisational culture
  • Developing a collaborative vision and strategy
  • Continuous improvement for organisational success
  • Working across boundaries: Virtual leadership
  • Collaborative Organisation: Group exercise
  • Action Planning & Next steps
Day One: Understanding Strategy and Strategy Execution
  • Understanding the distinction between Strategy, Operations and Tactics
  • How Planning and Execution Work
  • Impact of Mission and Vision Statements on Strategic Planning
  • Mission Analysis and Mission Leadership
  • Measuring Progress and Results
  • The Gap between Strategy and Performance
Day Six: Understanding Organisational Leadership
  • Defining Leadership in an Organisation
  • Key behavioural factors in Leadership
  • Leading in the modern world: VUCA
  • Understanding strategic, operational and tactical leadership
  • Leading Change in an organisation
  • Leadership assessment: Strategic, Operational, Tactical
Day Five: Implementing a Successful Performance Management System
  • Defining and Understanding of Strategy 
  • Linking Strategy to Action 
  • Setting Long Term Organisational Destination – Strategy is about Where are you Heading
  • Strategy Documentation, Communication and Duration
  • Defining Strategy and Operational Effectiveness – What is the difference?
  • Barriers and Success Factors related to Strategy Execution including Leadership and Culture
Module 1: Strategy Excellence: From Strategic Vision to Tactical Execution
Day Nine: Linking Strategic to Tactical: Operational Leadership
  • Gaining Management Commitment and Selecting a Winning Team
  • Planning for Success – Strategic Business Planning Framework
  • Performance Contract Framework
  • The usage of charts in presenting effective reports
  • Complete exercise on how to develop a Balanced Scorecard from scratch
  • Conclusion and Wrap Up
Day Four: Understanding the Meaning of Performance Measurements and Management
  • Creating an organisational culture
  • Developing a collaborative vision and strategy
  • Continuous improvement for organisational success
  • Working across boundaries: Virtual leadership
  • Collaborative Organisation: Group exercise
  • Action Planning & Next steps
Day Eight: Implement & Perform: Tactical Leadership
  • Characteristics and requirements of Operational Leaders
  • Mastering Operational Management principles
  • Linking strategic goals to tactical objectives
  • Managing key stakeholders: Cross-departmental cooperation
  • Managing Operational Meetings
  • Turning negative ideas in to positive achievements
Module 2: Effective Organisational Leadership
Day Three: Turning Strategy into Actionable Plan
  • Characteristics and behaviours of Tactical Leaders
  • Tactical Intelligence data and planning
  • Managing performance and motivation
  • Understanding Team Dynamics
  • Building Team cohesiveness
  • Coach and engage for success
Day Seven: Vision and Strategy: Strategic Leadership
  • Why do we need Performance Management System?
  • Characteristics of Good Measures
  • The Balanced Scorecard
  • Defining Critical Success Factors
  • Organisational Excellence
  • How to Develop and Standardise Performance Metrics
Day Two: From Vision to Results: The Planning and Execution Framework
  • Characteristics of Strategic Leaders
  • Strategic data and planning factors
  • Developing Strategy: Mission or Mantra?
  • Building your Leadership brand
  • Inspirational engagement and influence
  • Communicate and cascading Strategy to gain buy-in
Day Ten: Creating the Leadership Organisation
  • Invisibility of Performance Bottlenecks to Top Management
  • Under Performance Culture Impact on Strategy and Performance Gap
  • How to close the strategy and performance gap
  • The Four Successful Steps in Turning Strategy into Actionable Plan
  • Building A Strategy – Focused Organisation (SFO)
  • The Six Loop Strategy Execution System including the Office of Strategy Management (OSM)

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course

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