An intensive professional development training course on

International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS)

09-13 Dec 2024
Dubai - UAE
24-28 Feb 2025
Dubai - UAE
18-22 Aug 2025
London - UK
08-12 Dec 2025
Dubai - UAE
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Why Choose this Training Course?

The diminishing differences between generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), principally established by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), and international financial reporting standards (IFRS), as established by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), is narrowing at a faster pace. International Finance Reporting Standards (IFRS) are now the world’s most widely accepted and applied accounting standards with more than 100 countries now requiring or permitting their use.

This AZTech training course will feature:

  • The basic concepts of accounting and financial reporting disclosures and varying reconciling and non-reconciling differences between GAAP and IFRS
  • The scope, structure, contents and components of IFRS compliant financial statements, including underlying assumptions and related footnotes disclosures
  • Measurement and recognition of the various elements of international accounting principles and standards, including transition concerns
  • Revenue recognition and financial reporting requirements

What are the Goals?

By the end of this AZTech training course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the current and potential future requirements of IFRS, including the final prospects and timetable for the convergence of GAAP and IFRS
  • Apply standards in accordance with their requirements in terms of preparing IFRS compliant financial statements, including the selection of appropriate accounting policies and related footnote disclosures
  • Understand the recognition and measurement principles as delineated within the IASB’s Framework and comprehending their application within each accounting standard
  • Define and apply the transition process to IFRS and identifying the first-time exemption as well as exceptions relating to the financial statements of a transitioning organization
  • Examine accounting standards that either require or permit the use of fair value measurement (including comparisons to U.S. Financial Accounting Standards Nos. 157 and 159), determining fair value measurements and financial statement recognition issues and presentation

Who is this Training Course for?

This AZTech training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Accounting Professionals
  • Financial Executives
  • Auditors
  • Financial Analysts
  • Bankers
  • Investment Bankers
  • Any other professionals involved in the preparation, presentation, implementation or analysis of financial statements prepared in accordance with International Finance Reporting Standards (IFRS)

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This AZTech interactive International Finance Reporting Standards (IFRS) training course will present an explanation of all IASB technical requirements in a clear, practical format, including an overall review of the rationale and objectives for all IASB standards that are included in the programme. In addition, active participation by all participants through a combination of direct instruction, analysis and evaluation of practical case studies, examples and exercises to illustrate application of the standards as well as current and future issues and other “real life” examples will be encouraged.

The Course Content

Day One: Evolution of International Accounting Standards
  • International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS”)
    • Introduction, History and Overview of Existing and Future Standards
    • Roles of the Various Accounting Standards Setting Bodies
    • Objectives and Structure of the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”)
  • Framework, Demand and Adoption of IFRS
  • Convergence
    • Introduction and Historical Overview
    • Issues, Benefits and Problems of Convergence
    • IASB / FASB Projects
    • U.S. SEC Adoption Timeline and Activities
Day Two: Structural Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements
  • Purpose and Objectives, including Financial Statement Audit Impact
  • Scope, Structure and Content of IFRS Financial Statements
  • Accounting Policies and Underlying Assumptions
  • Components of Financial Statements, including Qualitative Characteristics
  • Measurement and Recognition of the Elements of Financial Statements
  • Transition Concerns and Transition Plan Elements
Day Three: Preparation and Presentation of IFRS Financial Statements
  • Structure and Content of Both General and Specific Elements of Financial Statements
    • IAS 1
    • Balance Sheet
    • Income Statement
    • Presenting Either a Statement of Changes in Equity or a Statement of Recognized Income or Expense (“SORIE”)
    • Statement of Cash Flow
    • Consolidation Criteria and Requirements
  • Notes to Financial Statements and Related Disclosures
  • Revenue Recognition and Reporting Requirements
Day Four: Conversion Preparation to IFRS
  • Examining Substantive Differences in Disparate Accounting Treatments
    • Inventory
    • Fixed Assets
    • Valuation
    • Revaluation
    • Depreciation
    • Deferred Taxes
    • Contingencies
  • Performing Thorough Assessments
    • Technical Accounting and Tax Implications and Risks
    • Supporting Established Processes and Infrastructure Considerations
    • Adopting Implementation Plans
  • Conversion Issues and Concerns
    • Technical Accounting and Tax Conversion Issues
    • Designing Supporting Processes and Infrastructure Features
    • Developing Revised Organization Plans and Change Strategies
  • Conversion Maintenance
    • Implementing Support Processes and Infrastructure Features
    • Change Management Execution Strategies
    • Conversion Transfers
    • Comparative Analysis of Companies Adopting or Not Adopting IFRS
Day 5 : Impact of IFRS on Financial Statement Interpretations
  • International Accounting and Diversity Considerations
  • Financial Analysis Tools and Techniques
    • Common Size Statements
    • Trend Analysis
    • Ratio Analysis
    • Dupont Analysis
    • Z Scores
    • Investment Ratios
    • Cash Flow Ratios
    • Peer Group and Industry Comparisons
  • Importance of Corporate Governance and Awareness of IFRS Best Practices

Future IFRS Considerations

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion will be provided to delegates who attend and complete the training course


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