An intensive professional development training course on

Leading with Excellence

Successful Models for Planning, Executing & Building Partnerships

23 Sep-04 Oct 2024
London - UK
23 Sep-04 Oct 2024
London - UK
09-20 Dec 2024
Dubai - UAE
09-20 Dec 2024
Dubai - UAE
21 Apr-02 May 2025
London - UK
21 Apr-02 May 2025
London - UK
22 Sep-03 Oct 2025
London - UK
08-19 Dec 2025
Dubai - UAE
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Why Choose this Training Course?

The environment of current competitive business requires an increased focus on skills in negotiating and communication for building alliances, and new processes such as planning and organizing work tasks to improve productivity. This Leading with Excellence training course acquires additional skills such as delegating to empower staff to higher performance, and change management also help today’s modern leader create success.

Negotiation is inevitably at the heart of every process to achieve what you want or need to build an alliance, or work with consultants or suppliers. At the end of each negotiation, the goal is to seek a win-win agreement. Negotiation, Persuasion and Critical Thinking are the skills covered in module one of this course.

Businesses and indeed, all organizations, find themselves needing more productive methods of planning, more appropriate goals and effective means of accomplishing work. A focus on using productive best practices allows for effective and efficient management of work and making changes in the organization. Planning and Organizing work, and Delegating to build a strong team are the skills learned in module 2 of this course.

The Structure

This comprehensive training course consists of two modules which can be booked as a 10 Day Training event, or as individual, 5 Day training courses.

Module 1 - Effective Negotiation, Persuasion & Critical Thinking

Module 2 - Successful Planning, Organising & Delegating

What are the Goals?

  • Recognise aims for key alliances – how to develop and manage them
  • Develop an effective plan and strategy for negotiations with allies
  • Practice and develop skills for influencing others – especially those who are vital to your long-term business development strategy
  • Gain confidence as a trusted negotiator who knows which behaviours to adopt for each stage of the negotiation
  • Successfully apply the principles of persuasion to key negotiation situations
  • Recognize internal and external influences on our daily planning
  • Understand and develop skills necessary to complete work on time
  • Learn how to organize work and projects to complete them successfully
  • Understand the characteristics of colleagues who do work in our teams
  • Develop positive interpersonal techniques for better team relationships
  • Practice and develop skills for influencing others
  • Gain confidence as a negotiator
  • Know what behavior to adapt at each stage of the negotiation
  • Recognize and counter the most common negotiating ploys

Who is this Training Course for?

Those who recognize that improving their negotiation and planning skills is about being able to influence others that a win-win outcome is the key goal. Those who understand that good planning techniques and how to use delegation to improve the motivation of team members and expand the organization’s resources are the targets for this comprehensive course.

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This training course will combine presentations with interactive practical exercises, supported by activities and case studies. Delegates will be encouraged to participate actively in relating creative leadership strategies to the particular needs of their workplace.

It is an interactive mixture of lecture, discussion, activities and practice on several management skills. It provides definitions, examples, discussion and activities designed to promote skill building with interaction and discussion among participants. Activities and work on practice case studies are used to deliberately highlight the concepts taught and allow participants to practice new skills.

The Course Content

Module 1: Effective Negotiation, Persuasion & Critical Thinking
Day One: Situational Negotiating Strategies
  • Negotiation purpose: Common terms and best practice
  • Developing mutually acceptable solutions through value claiming
  • Adapting strategies to situations when building alliances
  • Personality - strengths & weaknesses in negotiations
  • Opening communication channels to maintain relationships
  • Applying Interests and Positions for strategic advantage
Day Two: Applied Negotiation Skills
  • How to reach 'win-win' in negotiation
  • The keys to collaborative bargaining in partnering
  • Leverage: What it is and how to use it?
  • Negotiation tactics and ploys
  • Dealing with difficult negotiators and barriers
  • Ethics in negotiation
Day Three: Persuasion & Influence Skills for Negotiators
  • Challenges of meetings – group and individual strategies
  • Positive persuasion in challenging situations
  • Applying rules of influential presentations to maximize impact
  • Maintaining compatible body language & using logic, credibility and passion
  • Dispute resolution and mediating for better outcomes
  • Mediation techniques - practical exercise
Day Four: Higher Level Negotiation Skills for Challenging Situations
  • Identifying and responding to signals and informal information
  • Recovering from reversals, errors and challenges
  • Developing a climate of trust
  • Higher level conversation techniques
  • Face to face negotiations; appreciating different cultures
  • Practical Negotiation exercise and feedback 
Day Five: Critical Thinking and Decision Making for Negotiators
  • Gaining control and using information – formal and informal
  • Thinking patterns, frameworks and tools for negotiators
  • Identifying sources and testing assumptions
  • Framing the problem
  • Decision making under pressure
  • Reviewing strategic alliances and building personal action
Module 2: Successful Planning, Organising & Delegating
Day Six: Creating Positive Attitudes to Change
  • Planning for Change
  • Challenging our base assumptions
  • The cycle of improvement
  • Positive thinking techniques
  • Competences: actions & behaviours
  • Delivering high standards of performance
Day Seven: Business Planning
  • Defining business scope
  • Setting clear objectives
  • Reviewing organisational capabilities
  • Business v project planning
  • Identifying Keys to Successful outcomes
  • Managing & mitigating risks
Day Eight: Skills for Successful Implementation
  • Leaders’ role in employee attitudes
  • Delivering clarity of purpose
  • Motivating ourselves and others
  • Managing and leading teams
  • Managing oneself in time
  • Delegating & empowering people
Day Nine: Effective Team Planning
  • Teams or work groups?
  • Characteristics of high performing teams
  • Team objectives v business objectives
  • Team Roles v Individual Roles
  • Developing team spirit
  • Team behaviours
Day Ten: Success Depends on Individual Performance
  • How people respond to change
  • Overcoming resistance to change
  • Why change is a constant
  • Setting team goals
  • Linking team and individual goals
  • Personal action planning
Day Eight: Skills for Successful Implementation
  • Gaining control and using information – formal and informal
  • Thinking patterns, frameworks and tools for negotiators
  • Identifying sources and testing assumptions
  • Framing the problem
  • Decision making under pressure
  • Reviewing strategic alliances and building personal action
Day Ten: Success Depends on Individual Performance
  • How people respond to change
  • Overcoming resistance to change
  • Why change is a constant
  • Setting team goals
  • Linking team and individual goals
  • Personal action planning
Day Four: Higher Level Negotiation Skills for Challenging Situations
  • Identifying and responding to signals and informal information
  • Recovering from reversals, errors and challenges
  • Developing a climate of trust
  • Higher level conversation techniques
  • Face to face negotiations; appreciating different cultures
  • Practical Negotiation exercise and feedback 
Day Nine: Effective Team Planning
  • Challenges of meetings – group and individual strategies
  • Positive persuasion in challenging situations
  • Applying rules of influential presentations to maximize impact
  • Maintaining compatible body language & using logic, credibility and passion
  • Dispute resolution and mediating for better outcomes
  • Mediation techniques - practical exercise
Day Three: Persuasion & Influence Skills for Negotiators
  • Defining business scope
  • Setting clear objectives
  • Reviewing organisational capabilities
  • Business v project planning
  • Identifying Keys to Successful outcomes
  • Managing & mitigating risks
Day Two: Applied Negotiation Skills
  • Leaders’ role in employee attitudes
  • Delivering clarity of purpose
  • Motivating ourselves and others
  • Managing and leading teams
  • Managing oneself in time
  • Delegating & empowering people
Day Seven: Business Planning
  • How to reach 'win-win' in negotiation
  • The keys to collaborative bargaining in partnering
  • Leverage: What it is and how to use it?
  • Negotiation tactics and ploys
  • Dealing with difficult negotiators and barriers
  • Ethics in negotiation
Day One: Situational Negotiating Strategies
  • Teams or work groups?
  • Characteristics of high performing teams
  • Team objectives v business objectives
  • Team Roles v Individual Roles
  • Developing team spirit
  • Team behaviours
Module 2: Successful Planning, Organising & Delegating
Day Six: Creating Positive Attitudes to Change
  • Planning for Change
  • Challenging our base assumptions
  • The cycle of improvement
  • Positive thinking techniques
  • Competences: actions & behaviours
  • Delivering high standards of performance
Module 1: Effective Negotiation, Persuasion & Critical Thinking
Day Five: Critical Thinking and Decision Making for Negotiators
  • Negotiation purpose: Common terms and best practice
  • Developing mutually acceptable solutions through value claiming
  • Adapting strategies to situations when building alliances
  • Personality - strengths & weaknesses in negotiations
  • Opening communication channels to maintain relationships
  • Applying Interests and Positions for strategic advantage

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course

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