An intensive professional development training course on

Mastering Ethical Governance
in Risk and Compliance

15-19 Jul 2024
Dubai - UAE
15-19 Jul 2024
Dubai - UAE
23-27 Sep 2024
Dubai - UAE
23-27 Sep 2024
Dubai - UAE
18-22 Nov 2024
London - UK
18-22 Nov 2024
London - UK
21-25 Apr 2025
London - UK
14-18 Jul 2025
Dubai - UAE
22-26 Sep 2025
Dubai - UAE
17-21 Nov 2025
London - UK
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Why Choose this Training Course?

In an ever-evolving global business landscape, the need for ethical governance in risk management and compliance has taken center stage. Organizations are under increasing pressure to not only meet regulatory requirements but also maintain high ethical standards. The Mastering Ethical Governance in Risk and Compliance training course is designed to empower professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate complex ethical dilemmas while ensuring compliance with regulations and mitigating risks effectively.

What are the Goals?

By the end of this AZTech training course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the critical role of ethical governance in risk management and compliance
  • Identify and address ethical challenges in risk and compliance functions
  • Develop and implement ethical governance frameworks within their organizations
  • Foster a culture of ethics and compliance throughout their organizations
  • Successfully manage risks while upholding the highest ethical standards

Who is this Training Course for?

This training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Risk Managers and Analysts
  • Compliance Officers and Managers
  • Legal and Regulatory Affairs Professionals
  • Corporate Governance Executives
  • Senior Management and Executives
  • Ethics and Compliance Consultants

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This AZTech training course will utilize a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. The facilitator will provide interactive presentation that incorporates slides, videos, group discussion, and practical exercises to examine all aspects of the topic.

The Course Content

Day One: Introduction to Ethical Governance in Risk and Compliance
  • Understanding the Nexus of Ethics, Risk, and Compliance
  • Regulatory Frameworks and Ethical Requirements
  • Ethical Leadership and Its Impact
Day Two: Ethical Risk Assessment and Mitigation
  • Identifying Ethical Risks in Risk Management and Compliance
  • Ethical Risk Assessment Models
  • Strategies for Mitigating Ethical Risks
Day Three: Building Ethical Governance Frameworks
  • Developing and Implementing Ethical Governance Policies
  • Codes of Conduct and Ethics
  • Ethical Decision-Making Frameworks
Day Four: Fostering a Culture of Ethics and Compliance
  • The Role of Leadership in Promoting Ethical Culture
  • Ethical Training and Awareness Programs
  • Whistleblower Policies and Reporting Mechanisms
Day Five: Ethical Challenges and Best Practices
  • Ethical Challenges in Risk and Compliance
  • Managing Ethical Dilemmas Effectively
  • Final Projects, Presentation of Projects, and Certification
Day Five: Ethical Challenges and Best Practices
  • The Role of Leadership in Promoting Ethical Culture
  • Ethical Training and Awareness Programs
  • Whistleblower Policies and Reporting Mechanisms
Day Three: Building Ethical Governance Frameworks
  • Developing and Implementing Ethical Governance Policies
  • Codes of Conduct and Ethics
  • Ethical Decision-Making Frameworks
Day Two: Ethical Risk Assessment and Mitigation
  • Ethical Challenges in Risk and Compliance
  • Managing Ethical Dilemmas Effectively
  • Final Projects, Presentation of Projects, and Certification
Day One: Introduction to Ethical Governance in Risk and Compliance
  • Identifying Ethical Risks in Risk Management and Compliance
  • Ethical Risk Assessment Models
  • Strategies for Mitigating Ethical Risks
Day Four: Fostering a Culture of Ethics and Compliance
  • Understanding the Nexus of Ethics, Risk, and Compliance
  • Regulatory Frameworks and Ethical Requirements
  • Ethical Leadership and Its Impact

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course

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