An intensive professional development training course on

Strategic Leadership

Integrating Strategy, Governance, Management & Leadership

12-16 Aug 2024
Dubai - UAE
12-16 Aug 2024
Dubai - UAE
25-29 Nov 2024
New York - USA
25-29 Nov 2024
New York - USA
26-30 May 2025
London - UK
11-15 Aug 2025
Dubai - UAE
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Why Choose this Training Course?

Leading organisations in today’s generation places unprecedented demands on leaders, whether they are from public, private or not-for-profit organisations. The COVID-19 pandemic exposed weaknesses in existing global systems. It highlighted a mix of economic and social inequalities, which together with the mounting climate crisis, pose new challenges for leaders.

This Strategic Leadership training course will present the new thinking on ESG - Environment, Social and Governance and the metrics needed to meet the UN’s SDG - Sustainable Development Goals. Delegates will have ample opportunity for brainstorming and generating new solutions. Together with recognised tools and techniques in strategic planning and models of leadership, delegates will be armed with new responses to take back to their companies.

This AZTech training course will feature:

  • Latest thinking on Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) thinking
  • Understanding the pillars of Good Governance
  • How to develop strategies which deliver positive outcomes for all stakeholders
  • Recognising and implementing the characteristics of agile leadership
  • Evaluating systems to deliver sustainable goals 

What are the Goals?

By the end of this AZTech training course, participants will be able to: 

  • Gaining a deeper understanding of ESG and SDG and how to incorporate these into strategic goals
  • How to apply the IBC’s ‘stakeholder capitalism metrics’
  • Reviewing leadership styles and frameworks needed to deliver objectives
  • Assessing local and international systems - are they fit for purpose?
  • Evaluating hard and soft elements of strategy implementation

Who is this Training Course for?

This AZTech training course will benefit professionals holding senior roles or aspiring to senior positions, who want to understand corporate governance and its relationship to strategy and high-level leadership. The course will give them understanding and skills in governance, strategic leadership and management, resulting in greater confidence and ability to conduct their business professionally and with positive outcomes.

This AZTech training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Senior leaders who wanting to gain knowledge about current governance issues
  • Senior staff who want to develop their strategic skills
  • Staff who may be moving into supervisory or managerial positions
  • Managers seeking a ‘refresher’ to enhance their leadership & management skills
  • Staff wanting to understand how the organisation’s purpose can be adapted to meet the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This AZTech training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This includes highly interactive activities, case studies and discussions encouraging delegates to think deeply about the topics and share their thinking. The skill sets developed will add value to employees, managers and leaders alike.

The Course Content

Day One: The Elements of Good Governance
  • Understand the Pillars of Good Governance
  • Learn about the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
  • Understand What Risk and Risk Appetite Represent: What’s Acceptable and Who Decides
  • Describe and Apply Relevant Metrics to Support Delivery
  • Understand the Importance of Compliance: Rules, Processes and Checklists
  • Explore Business Ethics, Moral DNA and Resulting Performance
Day Two: Strategy: Tools and Techniques
  • Understand the Building Blocks of a Planning Process
  • Understand the Difference between Strategic Thinking and Planning
  • Gain Confidence in Analysing the External Environment
  • Identify which Key Capabilities Can Be Developed to Achieve Current and Future Objectives
  • Learn About the Difference Between Incremental and Innovation Strategies
  • Recognise the Impact of Senior Leaders on Strategic Choices 
Day Three: Strategic Leaders are Agents of Change
  • Understand Organizational Culture and How to Use the Cultural Web
  • Understand How Different Leadership Styles Impact Culture and Climate
  • Learn How Managers Inspire and Motivate People
  • Develop Skills in Questioning and Listening
  • Recognise the Value of Organisational Story Telling
  • Review the Best Approaches for Leading Change 
Day Four: Review of Organisational Systems and Metrics
  • Evaluate Internal Systems using McKinsey’s 7S Framework
  • Expose Fragility of Global Supply Chains
  • Conduct a Stakeholder Analysis
  • Introduce Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics
  • Assess People Dimensions of Metrics - Biases
  • Review Decision-Making Process
Day Five: Integrating Strategy, Leadership and Culture
  • Reflect on the Challenges of Strategy Implementation in a Fast Changing World
  • Understand the Importance of Employee Engagement in Delivering Good Performance
  • Recognise How Different Forms of Power Have Influence on Networks and Relationships
  • Discover How Servant Leadership Delivers Added Value to Employees and Customers
  • Understand How Leaders, Culture and Practice Deliver Learning Organisations
  • Review and Reflect on your Leadership Profile and Prepare a Development Plan 
Day Two: Strategy: Tools and Techniques
  • Understand the Building Blocks of a Planning Process
  • Understand the Difference between Strategic Thinking and Planning
  • Gain Confidence in Analysing the External Environment
  • Identify which Key Capabilities Can Be Developed to Achieve Current and Future Objectives
  • Learn About the Difference Between Incremental and Innovation Strategies
  • Recognise the Impact of Senior Leaders on Strategic Choices 
Day Three: Strategic Leaders are Agents of Change
  • Understand Organizational Culture and How to Use the Cultural Web
  • Understand How Different Leadership Styles Impact Culture and Climate
  • Learn How Managers Inspire and Motivate People
  • Develop Skills in Questioning and Listening
  • Recognise the Value of Organisational Story Telling
  • Review the Best Approaches for Leading Change 
Day Four: Review of Organisational Systems and Metrics
  • Evaluate Internal Systems using McKinsey’s 7S Framework
  • Expose Fragility of Global Supply Chains
  • Conduct a Stakeholder Analysis
  • Introduce Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics
  • Assess People Dimensions of Metrics - Biases
  • Review Decision-Making Process
Day Five: Integrating Strategy, Leadership and Culture
  • Reflect on the Challenges of Strategy Implementation in a Fast Changing World
  • Understand the Importance of Employee Engagement in Delivering Good Performance
  • Recognise How Different Forms of Power Have Influence on Networks and Relationships
  • Discover How Servant Leadership Delivers Added Value to Employees and Customers
  • Understand How Leaders, Culture and Practice Deliver Learning Organisations
  • Review and Reflect on your Leadership Profile and Prepare a Development Plan 
Day One: The Elements of Good Governance
  • Understand the Pillars of Good Governance
  • Learn about the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
  • Understand What Risk and Risk Appetite Represent: What’s Acceptable and Who Decides
  • Describe and Apply Relevant Metrics to Support Delivery
  • Understand the Importance of Compliance: Rules, Processes and Checklists
  • Explore Business Ethics, Moral DNA and Resulting Performance

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course

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