An intensive professional development training course on

Certificate in Sustainable Finance

A New Perspective on Value Creation
for Organisations and their Stakeholders

Classroom Sessions

19-23 Aug 2024
Dubai - UAE
19-23 Aug 2024
Dubai - UAE
18-22 Nov 2024
London - UK
18-22 Nov 2024
London - UK
28 Apr-02 May 2025
London - UK
28 Apr-02 May 2025
London - UK
18-22 Aug 2025
Dubai - UAE
17-21 Nov 2025
London - UK

Online Sessions

08-12 Jul 2024
08-12 Jul 2024
02-06 Dec 2024
02-06 Dec 2024
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Why Choose this Training Course?

In the 21st century business world responsible organisations can no longer simply pay lip service to key global sustainability challenges like climate change, resource exhaustions, and inequality; investors and key stakeholders expect them to engage and actively manage the organisations impact in these areas. This leading edge Sustainable Finance AZTech training course will provide you with the fundamental principles and the relevant tools and insights you will need to help your organisation develop a sustainable approach to finance that will address these challenges and create value for the organisation, as well as its stakeholders and wider society.

The Certificate in Sustainable Finance training course will examine the practice, trends, and opportunities in current financial systems and analyse the impact on business strategy of the major social and environmental challenges facing organisations of all types. Delegates will be empowered to unlock and apply an innovative new approach to developing more sustainable business models for their organisations

This training course will feature:

  • The emerging importance of sustainable finance
  • The environmental, social and governance fundamentals
  • Techniques for developing key measures of sustainable finance
  • Development of Integrated Reporting <IR> systems
  • Adapting business risk analysis to manage sustainable finance

What are the Goals?

By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:

  • Master the aims and principles of sustainable finance
  • Understand key environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues
  • Identify impact on business and financial strategy
  • Develop meaningful tools for sustainable finance reporting
  • Build financial models to assess sustainable finance and other risks

Who is this Training Course for?

This training course will not only be of benefit to financial reporting and finance management team members, but it will also provide a useful insights and tools for other professionals in related fields, in particular the course will greatly benefit:

This training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Financial reporting team members
  • Strategy team members
  • Risk management professionals
  • Finance managers
  • Budget managers
  • Commercial managers
  • Capital investment and project team members

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This AZTech training course will use a variety of proven learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. The training course will follow a participative workshop format and will be focused on developing practical skills that delegates can apply in real life business situations on return to their own organisation.

The Course Content

Day One: Fundamentals of Sustainable Finance
  • Principles and foundation of sustainable finance
  • Environmental issues and concerns
  • Social issues and concerns
  • Governance issues and concerns
  • Ethical issues and concerns
  • Defining organisational scope for sustainable finance
Day Two: Sustainable Strategic Management
  • Concepts of stakeholder value
  • The purpose of competitive companies
  • Principles and practice in corporate governance
  • Redefining competitive business strategy
  • Understanding business models and their disruption
  • Identifying key success factors
  • Using strategy maps to identify key performance indicators
Day Three: Accounting and Reporting Sustainable Finance
  • The traditional financial analysis toolkit
  • Conventional measures of stakeholder value
  • Selecting the right key performance measures
  • Designing internal reports on sustainable finance
  • Principles of Integrated Reporting <IR>
Day Four: Business Investment and Sustainable Finance
  • The challenges of sustainable investment
  • Scenarios for business model reinvention
  • Key decision factors for sustainable financial investment
  • Traditional tools of investment appraisal
  • Factoring in the environmental and social dimension
  • Limitations of conventional investment appraisal methods
Day Five: Risk and Scope of Sustainable Finance
  • Traditional approaches to understanding business risk
  • Risk aspects from a sustainable finance perspective
  • Sustainable finance developments in banking
  • Sustainable finance developments in financial investments
  • Financial modelling of risk under sustainable finance conditions
  • The way forward in sustainable finance
Day Four: Business Investment and Sustainable Finance
  • Principles and foundation of sustainable finance
  • Environmental issues and concerns
  • Social issues and concerns
  • Governance issues and concerns
  • Ethical issues and concerns
  • Defining organisational scope for sustainable finance
Day Five: Risk and Scope of Sustainable Finance
  • Traditional approaches to understanding business risk
  • Risk aspects from a sustainable finance perspective
  • Sustainable finance developments in banking
  • Sustainable finance developments in financial investments
  • Financial modelling of risk under sustainable finance conditions
  • The way forward in sustainable finance
Day One: Fundamentals of Sustainable Finance
  • Concepts of stakeholder value
  • The purpose of competitive companies
  • Principles and practice in corporate governance
  • Redefining competitive business strategy
  • Understanding business models and their disruption
  • Identifying key success factors
  • Using strategy maps to identify key performance indicators
Day Two: Sustainable Strategic Management
  • The traditional financial analysis toolkit
  • Conventional measures of stakeholder value
  • Selecting the right key performance measures
  • Designing internal reports on sustainable finance
  • Principles of Integrated Reporting <IR>
Day Three: Accounting and Reporting Sustainable Finance
  • The challenges of sustainable investment
  • Scenarios for business model reinvention
  • Key decision factors for sustainable financial investment
  • Traditional tools of investment appraisal
  • Factoring in the environmental and social dimension
  • Limitations of conventional investment appraisal methods

The Certificate

  • An AZTech Certificate for delegates who attend and complete the online training course


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