An intensive professional development training course

The Complete Course on
Public Speaking and
Presentation Skills

15-19 Jul 2024
Dubai - UAE
15-19 Jul 2024
Dubai - UAE
07-11 Oct 2024
Dubai - UAE
07-11 Oct 2024
Dubai - UAE
09-13 Dec 2024
Dubai - UAE
09-13 Dec 2024
Dubai - UAE
17-21 Feb 2025
Dubai - UAE
17-21 Feb 2025
Dubai - UAE
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Why Choose this Training Course?

This comprehensive course is designed to equip participants with the essential skills and techniques needed to excel in public speaking and presentations. Participants will learn how to captivate audiences, deliver compelling speeches, and communicate with confidence and clarity. Through a combination of theoretical learning and practical exercises, participants will develop the expertise to engage, persuade, and inspire others in various professional and personal settings.

What are the Goals?

By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the principles of effective public speaking and presentation delivery
  • Develop confidence and overcome nervousness when speaking in public
  • Master techniques for engaging and maintaining audience attention
  • Structure and organize speeches and presentations for maximum impact
  • Utilize visual aids and multimedia effectively to enhance presentations
  • Handle questions and challenges from the audience with poise and professionalism
  • Practice and receive constructive feedback to improve speaking skills continuously

Who is this Training Course for?

This training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Professionals who need to communicate effectively in their roles, including managers, team leaders, sales representatives, educators, and public speakers
  • Individuals seeking to improve their public speaking and presentation skills for personal or professional growth
  • Anyone who wants to overcome the fear of public speaking and become a confident and persuasive communicator

How will this Training Course be Presented?

  • This course will be delivered through a combination of lectures, interactive discussions, practical exercises, role-plays, and multimedia presentations
  • Participants will have the opportunity to practice their skills in a supportive and constructive environment, receiving feedback from both the instructor and their peers
  • Sessions may be conducted in-person or virtually, depending on the preferences and needs of the participants

The Course Content

Module One: Introduction to Public Speaking
  • Understanding the importance of public speaking skills
  • Overcoming common fears and anxiety associated with public speaking
  • Building confidence and developing a positive mindset
Module Two: Effective Speech Preparation
  • Identifying the purpose and objectives of a speech
  • Conducting audience analysis and adapting content accordingly
  • Structuring speeches for clarity and impact (introduction, body, conclusion)
Module Three: Engaging the Audience
  • Techniques for capturing and maintaining audience attention
  • Using storytelling, humor, and anecdotes to engage listeners
  • Incorporating audience participation and interaction
Module Four: Vocal Techniques and Delivery
  • Developing vocal variety, pitch, tone, and pace for effective delivery
  • Practicing articulation and pronunciation
  • Enhancing non-verbal communication through body language and gestures
Module Five: Utilizing Visual Aids
  • Choosing appropriate visual aids (slides, charts, videos, etc.)
  • Designing visually appealing and informative presentations
  • Integrating visual aids seamlessly into speeches for enhanced understanding
Module Six: Handling Q&A Sessions
  • Strategies for managing questions and feedback from the audience
  • Techniques for providing concise and confident responses
  • Dealing with challenging or unexpected questions
Module Seven: Practice Sessions and Feedback
  • Delivering prepared speeches and presentations
  • Peer evaluation and constructive feedback sessions
  • Individual coaching and guidance from the instructor
Module Eight: Advanced Presentation Skills
  • Tailoring presentations for different purposes and audiences
  • Mastering impromptu speaking and spontaneous communication
  • Fine-tuning delivery style and incorporating advanced techniques
Module Nine: Specialized Presentations (Optional)
  • Delivering presentations in specific contexts (business, academia, sales, etc.)
  • Addressing cultural considerations in public speaking
  • Handling virtual presentations and remote audiences effectively
Module Ten: Personal Development and Continuous Improvement
  • Setting goals for ongoing improvement in public speaking skills
  • Creating a personal development plan for mastering public speaking
  • Resources and strategies for further practice and refinement
Module Six: Handling Q&A Sessions
  • Setting goals for ongoing improvement in public speaking skills
  • Creating a personal development plan for mastering public speaking
  • Resources and strategies for further practice and refinement
Module Nine: Specialized Presentations (Optional)
  • Delivering prepared speeches and presentations
  • Peer evaluation and constructive feedback sessions
  • Individual coaching and guidance from the instructor
Module Five: Utilizing Visual Aids
  • Strategies for managing questions and feedback from the audience
  • Techniques for providing concise and confident responses
  • Dealing with challenging or unexpected questions
Module Four: Vocal Techniques and Delivery
  • Choosing appropriate visual aids (slides, charts, videos, etc.)
  • Designing visually appealing and informative presentations
  • Integrating visual aids seamlessly into speeches for enhanced understanding
Module Three: Engaging the Audience
  • Delivering presentations in specific contexts (business, academia, sales, etc.)
  • Addressing cultural considerations in public speaking
  • Handling virtual presentations and remote audiences effectively
Module Two: Effective Speech Preparation
  • Developing vocal variety, pitch, tone, and pace for effective delivery
  • Practicing articulation and pronunciation
  • Enhancing non-verbal communication through body language and gestures
Module One: Introduction to Public Speaking
  • Techniques for capturing and maintaining audience attention
  • Using storytelling, humor, and anecdotes to engage listeners
  • Incorporating audience participation and interaction
Module Eight: Advanced Presentation Skills
  • Identifying the purpose and objectives of a speech
  • Conducting audience analysis and adapting content accordingly
  • Structuring speeches for clarity and impact (introduction, body, conclusion)
Module Seven: Practice Sessions and Feedback
  • Understanding the importance of public speaking skills
  • Overcoming common fears and anxiety associated with public speaking
  • Building confidence and developing a positive mindset
Module Ten: Personal Development and Continuous Improvement
  • Tailoring presentations for different purposes and audiences
  • Mastering impromptu speaking and spontaneous communication
  • Fine-tuning delivery style and incorporating advanced techniques

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course


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