An intensive professional development training course on

The Master Class of
Leadership Best Practices

Leadership Best Practices: Enhancing Leadership for Peak Performance

07-18 Oct 2024
London - UK
07-18 Oct 2024
London - UK
09-20 Dec 2024
Istanbul - Turkey
09-20 Dec 2024
Istanbul - Turkey
10-21 Feb 2025
Dubai - UAE
10-21 Feb 2025
Dubai - UAE
26 May-06 Jun 2025
Milan - Italy
06-17 Oct 2025
London - UK
08-19 Dec 2025
Istanbul - Turkey
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Why Choose this Training Course?

If you want to improve, enhance and empower your leadership skills, then this training course is for you! This comprehensive 10-day Master Class of Leadership Best Practices training course will aim to establish what some of the industry leaders do to improve their organizations' position through effective leadership.

This Master Class of Leadership Best Practices training course will study the best practices from industry leaders whose techniques have proven to work in the local and global markets. Each module will include a way in which any potential leader in the market can apply the practices aimed at improving their own environment. It will provide a ‘Master Class level’ experience in terms of content, instruction, discussion and team exercises.

This training course will feature:

  • The practices and principles of dynamic leadership
  • How to empower your employees
  • Powerful interpersonal relationship skills
  • Strategies for continuous improvement
  • Practical, proactive steps for creating peak performance

The Structure

This comprehensive training course consists of two modules which can be booked as a 10-Day Training event, or as individual, 5-Day training courses.

Module 1 - Collaborative Leadership and Collective Wisdom

Module 2 - Leadership, Creativity & Peak Performance

What are the Goals?

This training course is designed to promote effective leadership and influencing skills among management personnel.

By the end of this AZTech training course, participants will be able to:

  • Determine best practices of leaders through history and how to apply them today
  • Delegate and empower employees to maximize results and time management
  • Describe a change management model & the process of planning, communicating & implementing change
  • Tap into and "inner power" to gain self-confidence and strength
  • Develop strategies for creating a positive work environment that fosters leadership

Who is this Training Course for?

This AZTech training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Those who supervise and manage others
  • Those with leadership potential
  • Those who desire to be motivated and empowered with dynamic leadership skills
  • Those who desire the strategic understanding of interpersonal relationship skills
  • Those who are already in key leadership positions

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This training course will utilize a variety of proven adult learning techniques, to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This will include an interactive mixture of lecture, and team and discussion groups, personal and group exercises, strategic leadership and personal empowerment videos. This course will feature highly visualized computer presentation in a relaxed, interactive learning environment.

The Course Content

Module 1: Collaborative Leadership and Collective Wisdom
Day One: Leadership Development for Impact and Influence
  • The professional challenges facing leadership
  • Leadership progression: process to praxis
  • Dynamic interpersonal relationship skills for organisational productivity
  • Evaluating “people skills” for leadership development
  • Building strategies for mutual benefit: networking and personal coaching
  • Leadership paradigms that guide and authentic our thinking
Day Two: The Great Inner Leadership Discovery
  • My Leadership Journey
  • Self-Reflection, self-esteem and confidence to lead
  • The Character of a Leader
  • Understand self to understand those you lead
  • Leadership styles: leading self to lead others
  • Real Leaders are emotionally intelligent
Day Three: Resilient Leadership in Unpredictable Times
  • The ever-present desire for change
  • The Human Side of Change
  • Why is change so difficult: Responses to Change
  • Cross generational leadership: a crisis or challenge for leadership
  • Change management strategies: Zig zag to business model regeneration
  • Soft system methodology to make sense of the world in which we work
Day Four: Trusted Influence Leadership
  • What is Trust Leadership? Edelman surveys and findings
  • The Benefits of a High Trust Environment
  • The importance of restoring breached trust
  • Building Capacity for Trust: a robust model for influence and impacting others
  • Personal Influence and productive outcomes
  • Negotiating Agreement: getting to yes
Day Five: Creating a Winning Collaborative Environment
  • The science of persuasion
  • Collaboration or conflict- Alliancing the Win-Win Solution
  • Tips on improving performance
  • Communicating to impact, influence and engage
  • Leadership competence check
  • Action planning to move forward
Day Six: Creating Vision Impact
  • The Leader as a Visionary
  • The Power of Creative Vision
  • The Leader's Influence on Culture
  • How a Leader Facilitates the Path to a Culture
  • Implementing a Leadership Communication Approach
  • Models of Best Run Visionary Companies
Module 2: Leadership, Creativity & Peak Performance
Day Seven: Developing Inner Leadership Strength
  • Guide to Knowing your Leadership Strengths
  • How Leaders use their Emotional Intelligence
  • Understanding the Leaders Base of Power
  • Understanding your Inner Spiritual Dynamic
  • Leaders Influence on People
  • Managing your Body and Mind Effectively 
Day Eight: How a Leader Develops and Motivates his People
  • Secrets to Involve Others
  • Best Practices of Effective Mentors and Coaches
  • The Motivating Leader
  • How to Motivate Yourself and Others
  • Understanding the Major Types of Motivation
  • How a leader Creates an Environment for Self-Motivation 
Day Nine: How a Leader Maximises Resources more Effectively
  • Best Practices to Effectively Delegate
  • The Benefits of Delegation
  • The Barriers to Delegation
  • Establishing Peak Performance Goal Setting Strategies
  • Creating the Climate for Empowerment
  • How to use Time Management, Planning and Prioritising 
Day Ten: How a Leader Builds a Peak Performance Culture
  • The Leader as a Creative Thinker
  • Building a Culture of Innovation and New Ideas
  • Characteristics of a High Performing Leader
  • Putting Best Practices into Practice
  • How to be Proactive in your Relationships
  • Guide to Building a Personal Leadership Plan
Module 2: Leadership, Creativity & Peak Performance
Day Ten: How a Leader Builds a Peak Performance Culture
  • The Leader as a Creative Thinker
  • Building a Culture of Innovation and New Ideas
  • Characteristics of a High Performing Leader
  • Putting Best Practices into Practice
  • How to be Proactive in your Relationships
  • Guide to Building a Personal Leadership Plan
Day Six: Creating Vision Impact
  • Guide to Knowing your Leadership Strengths
  • How Leaders use their Emotional Intelligence
  • Understanding the Leaders Base of Power
  • Understanding your Inner Spiritual Dynamic
  • Leaders Influence on People
  • Managing your Body and Mind Effectively 
Day Seven: Developing Inner Leadership Strength
  • Secrets to Involve Others
  • Best Practices of Effective Mentors and Coaches
  • The Motivating Leader
  • How to Motivate Yourself and Others
  • Understanding the Major Types of Motivation
  • How a leader Creates an Environment for Self-Motivation 
Day Eight: How a Leader Develops and Motivates his People
  • Best Practices to Effectively Delegate
  • The Benefits of Delegation
  • The Barriers to Delegation
  • Establishing Peak Performance Goal Setting Strategies
  • Creating the Climate for Empowerment
  • How to use Time Management, Planning and Prioritising 
Day Nine: How a Leader Maximises Resources more Effectively
  • The Leader as a Visionary
  • The Power of Creative Vision
  • The Leader's Influence on Culture
  • How a Leader Facilitates the Path to a Culture
  • Implementing a Leadership Communication Approach
  • Models of Best Run Visionary Companies
Day Four: Trusted Influence Leadership
  • The science of persuasion
  • Collaboration or conflict- Alliancing the Win-Win Solution
  • Tips on improving performance
  • Communicating to impact, influence and engage
  • Leadership competence check
  • Action planning to move forward
Day Five: Creating a Winning Collaborative Environment
  • The ever-present desire for change
  • The Human Side of Change
  • Why is change so difficult: Responses to Change
  • Cross generational leadership: a crisis or challenge for leadership
  • Change management strategies: Zig zag to business model regeneration
  • Soft system methodology to make sense of the world in which we work
Day Two: The Great Inner Leadership Discovery
  • What is Trust Leadership? Edelman surveys and findings
  • The Benefits of a High Trust Environment
  • The importance of restoring breached trust
  • Building Capacity for Trust: a robust model for influence and impacting others
  • Personal Influence and productive outcomes
  • Negotiating Agreement: getting to yes
Module 1: Collaborative Leadership and Collective Wisdom
Day Three: Resilient Leadership in Unpredictable Times
  • The professional challenges facing leadership
  • Leadership progression: process to praxis
  • Dynamic interpersonal relationship skills for organisational productivity
  • Evaluating “people skills” for leadership development
  • Building strategies for mutual benefit: networking and personal coaching
  • Leadership paradigms that guide and authentic our thinking
Day One: Leadership Development for Impact and Influence
  • My Leadership Journey
  • Self-Reflection, self-esteem and confidence to lead
  • The Character of a Leader
  • Understand self to understand those you lead
  • Leadership styles: leading self to lead others
  • Real Leaders are emotionally intelligent

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course

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