An intensive professional development training course on

The Total Leader

Effective Skills for Successful Management

Classroom Sessions

29 Jul-02 Aug 2024
Amsterdam - The Netherlands
29 Jul-02 Aug 2024
Amsterdam - The Netherlands
09-13 Sep 2024
Rome - Italy
09-13 Sep 2024
Rome - Italy
04-08 Nov 2024
Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia
04-08 Nov 2024
Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia
27-31 Jan 2025
Dubai - UAE
27-31 Jan 2025
Dubai - UAE

Online Sessions

09-13 Sep 2024
09-13 Sep 2024
06-10 Jan 2025
06-10 Jan 2025
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Why Choose this Training Course?


Welcome to this career designed, and life-empowering, training course! John Maxwell, the world-renowned leadership consultant and trainer, states that "A leader is great, not because of his or her power, but because of his or her ability to empower others. Growth inside fuels growth outside.” John F. Kennedy, former USA President said, "Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other." This AZTech training course, is prepared in the light of these two vital ingredients, of putting leadership and learning together!

This Total Leader training course is designed, to equip leaders, and strengthen their leadership skills, and establish positive, healthy interpersonal relationships, through transformed behaviour empowerment, to be dynamic successful leaders.

This AZTech training course will feature:

  • How to learn to use leadership as a strategic tool
  • How to better understand yourself and everyone around you
  • How to know how to motivate yourself and others
  • How to learn to improve the ways in which you manage others, yourself, and your work environment
  • How to build a pro-active lifestyle to your existing leadership skills

What are the Goals?

By the end of this AZTech training course, participants will be able to:

  • Analyse 21st Century Management strategies
  • Develop dynamic effective inter-personal communication skills
  • Apply personal empowerment and team Motivation
  • Practice & learn how to be pro-active in every situation
  • Create an on-going action plan for success

Who is this Training Course for?

This training course will greatly benefit individuals who have definite leadership potential, as well as developing and expanding those already in leadership positions.

This AZTech training course is ideally suitable to a wide range of professionals, but will greatly benefit:

  • Individuals with identifiable leadership potential
  • Staff personnel already being groomed through the leadership ranks
  • Individuals who have, and are, in leadership management
  • Those who are able to be empowered for top quality leadership management

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This AZTech training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This includes:

  • A presentation in a highly inter-active manner, with a very impactive computer and visualised communication style
  • Individual and group activities, interspersed throughout the sessions, along with appropriate case studies
  • Video and role play situations that will highlight the major teaching features


The Course Content

Day One: The Leadership Dynamics Challenge
  • Understanding this 21st century leadership challenge
  • The significance of interpersonal relationships
  • The strategy of leadership self-coaching
  • The people factor significance
  • The difference between Management and Leadership
  • How to build a dynamic team
Day Two: Leadership Personal Empowerment Master Plan
  • Understanding the power of your creative mind
  • How to reprogramme the subconscious mind?
  • How to deal with a low self-image and build self-confidence?
  • How to develop a creative and innovative mind?
  • Understand the impact of attitudinal leadership
  • Practice the power of the Golden Rule
Day Three: Leadership Management Strategies
  • The performance management strategy
  • Planning, organizing and controlling
  • Effective performance appraisal
  • Creating a professional excellence culture
  • The impact of strategic goal setting
  • Customer service excellence
Day Four: Leadership Proactive Motivation
  • Why is motivation so important? What does it mean?
  • How to powerfully motivate yourself and others?
  • Discover what momentum motivation will do for you
  • Operate with the 3 major types of motivation
  • Activate proven ways to stay motivated
  • What it means to be pro-active in every area of your life?
Day Five: Creating a Leadership Culture
  • How to build great relationships?
  • The power of self-discipline strategies
  • How to create a proactive leadership?
  • The importance of appreciation
  • Ten steps to vital decision making
  • Developing your person plan of action
Day Five: Creating a Leadership Culture
  • Understanding this 21st century leadership challenge
  • The significance of interpersonal relationships
  • The strategy of leadership self-coaching
  • The people factor significance
  • The difference between Management and Leadership
  • How to build a dynamic team
Day One: The Leadership Dynamics Challenge
  • Understanding the power of your creative mind
  • How to reprogramme the subconscious mind?
  • How to deal with a low self-image and build self-confidence?
  • How to develop a creative and innovative mind?
  • Understand the impact of attitudinal leadership
  • Practice the power of the Golden Rule
Day Two: Leadership Personal Empowerment Master Plan
  • The performance management strategy
  • Planning, organizing and controlling
  • Effective performance appraisal
  • Creating a professional excellence culture
  • The impact of strategic goal setting
  • Customer service excellence
Day Three: Leadership Management Strategies
  • Why is motivation so important? What does it mean?
  • How to powerfully motivate yourself and others?
  • Discover what momentum motivation will do for you
  • Operate with the 3 major types of motivation
  • Activate proven ways to stay motivated
  • What it means to be pro-active in every area of your life?
Day Four: Leadership Proactive Motivation
  • How to build great relationships?
  • The power of self-discipline strategies
  • How to create a proactive leadership?
  • The importance of appreciation
  • Ten steps to vital decision making
  • Developing your person plan of action

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course

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