An intensive professional development training course on

The Essentials
of Leadership

Inspirational, Innovative and Holistic Praxis

Classroom Sessions

09-13 Sep 2024
London - UK
09-13 Sep 2024
London - UK
02-06 Dec 2024
Dubai - UAE
02-06 Dec 2024
Dubai - UAE
07-11 Apr 2025
London - UK
07-11 Apr 2025
London - UK
26-30 May 2025
Dubai - UAE
08-12 Sep 2025
London - UK
01-05 Dec 2025
Dubai - UAE

Online Sessions

16-20 Sep 2024
16-20 Sep 2024
09-13 Dec 2024
09-13 Dec 2024
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Why Choose this Training Course?

The human tragedy and economic devastation that the pandemic has bestowed on the global condition, forces all to profoundly reflect on how we rebuild the future. In facing this challenge, the role of leadership has never been more critical to regenerate, repair and restore the human condition. Unpredictability, uncertainty and chaos have become the “new normal” in the leadership environment. Recent events have reinforced our thinking that leadership is not solely concerned with immediacy, growth and profitability, rather in these unprecedented times it requires a broader perspective that balances the competing demands of the organisation and the welfare of its people, whilst responding positively to the wider global and environmental issues that currently face the planet.

This ‘holistic approach” demands praxis, pragmatism and indeed ‘prophecy’ to build the robust, responsive and sustainable organisation. The current challenge to leaders is to embrace digital transformation to become agile and innovatively adaptive. Whilst the traditional qualities of focused drive, conceptual thinking and emotional intelligence remain fundamental, dealing with crisis has emerged as an area for serious consideration for leadership to address. In the new normal “crisis does not build leadership characteristics, rather it reveals it the qualities that underpin it”. Essentially leadership is a never-ending learning experience. Are you preprepared for the leadership challenges to take your people forward? Why not join like-minded committed professionals on this intensive Essentials of Leadership training course to discuss, debate and reframe the way you vision leadership and rejuvenate your practice. Trust the knowledge, professionalism and credibility of AZTech to help you successfully navigate through these turbulent times.

This AZTech training course will feature:

  • Advanced psychometric evaluations of personal leadership style; their outcomes and indicators
  • Holistic praxis: leadership to Inspire, innovate and build sustainability within the organisation
  • Emotional Intelligent leadership to promote individual and organisation wellbeing
  • Decision-making tools that create focused solutions to “what if “problems and crisis management
  • Practical “Ideation” techniques to reframe outmoded business models to build the resilient enterprises of tomorrow.

What are the Goals?

By the end of this AZTech training course, participants will be able to:

  • Select and apply pragmatic techniques to, build potential, collective commitment, innovation and approve decision making
  • Review, reframe and enhance leadership strengths; adopt and applying new skills and practices to manage, unforeseen crises
  • Appreciate diversity and utilise focused solutions techniques
  • Build trust and personal credibility through focused communication, persuasion and influencing skills
  • Demonstrate holistic leadership –that is agile, responsive and resilient to the needs of the organisation, its people, the wider society and the global environment

Who is this Training Course for?

This AZTech training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Former attendees of the AZTech Management Essentials programme
  • Employees seeking to progress their career from current management roles
  • HR professionals whose role involving coaching and support of leadership teams
  • Senior leads charged with Change Management and crisis responsibilities
  • Aspirational and ‘high potential’ employees seeking fast track career training

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This AZTech training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. In a risk-free environment delegates can practice leadership skills in a non-threatening context. The emphasis will be on building the confidence for success. Theoretical and psychological input is followed by expansive discussion related to the current challenges faced by leaders and consolidated by powerful individual and group reflection on prior experiences. These provide opportunities for personal participation and facilitate learning grounded in real situations. This intervention will be fast paced, intellectually challenging but above all empowering. Selective and supportive video material is integral to the content.

The seminar will utilise techniques and skills from Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Neurological science and highlights the people skills of Emotional Intelligence. All exercises, tools and processes are designed to deliver immediate impact and improvement in practice. Psychometric tools are employed to offer objective feedback on personality, leadership style, and enhance performance. Analysis and outcomes are used as tools for refection and utilised to target areas of strategic action.

The Course Content

Day One: Agile Leadership in the New Normal
  • Leadership Principles, Perceptions and Praxis: essential themes
  • Changing Paradigms, New Demands and Enlightened Leadership
  • The New Normal; changing environments, expectations and challenges
  • Leadership by “design”, building agile, responsive and decisive leadership
  • The Leader Within; innate qualities personality performance, style and outputs
  • The External Environment; leading and navigating in turbulent times
Day Two: Leading Self and Others to Exceptional Performance
  • The Leadership Management Debate. Do I Lead or Manage?
  • What Leadership style does my organisation require?
  • 360 Leadership; competence assessment, review and peer coaching
  • Leading the focused agile team.: mission, vision values and SMARTER measures
  • Communicating Organisational and clarifying team purpose
  • Charismatic leaders and Storytelling: acknowledging success and lessons learned
Day Three: Inspirational Leadership: Motivational Trust, and Collective Wisdom
  • Trust- the essential ingredient in the new normal
  • Motivational leadership: the Emotionally Intelligent leaders
  • Engagement and well-being: Scope, Support, Connection, Voice
  • Diagnostic tools for organisational and team development
  • Whole brain thinking divergent and convergent thinking
  • Decision Making and the power of diverse thinking
  • Collective wisdom, constructive dissent and innovative outcomes
Day Four: Leading a Culture of Change and Building Innovative Capability
  • Leading change and transition issues ingenuity and innovation
  • Solution focused methodology: Accentuating the positive and the possibilities
  • Utilising soft system methodology for innovative insights into change
  • Using Nature and multiple intelligences for creative outcomes
  • Assessing culture and organisational creativity for agile responsiveness
  • Entrepreneurial creativity. How creative am I?
Day Five: Leadership Priorities in the “New Normal Digital Age.”
  • The global pandemic.: impact, learnings and responses
  • Resilience, Well-being and Mindfulness:  key people deliverables
  • Planning for Crisis; beware the “black swans”
  • Ethical leadership for sustainable organisations
  • Reframing the Business Model Canvas to create value and sustainability
  • Action planning for future improvement
Day Five: Leadership Priorities in the “New Normal Digital Age.”
  • Leading change and transition issues ingenuity and innovation
  • Solution focused methodology: Accentuating the positive and the possibilities
  • Utilising soft system methodology for innovative insights into change
  • Using Nature and multiple intelligences for creative outcomes
  • Assessing culture and organisational creativity for agile responsiveness
  • Entrepreneurial creativity. How creative am I?
Day Four: Leading a Culture of Change and Building Innovative Capability
  • The global pandemic.: impact, learnings and responses
  • Resilience, Well-being and Mindfulness:  key people deliverables
  • Planning for Crisis; beware the “black swans”
  • Ethical leadership for sustainable organisations
  • Reframing the Business Model Canvas to create value and sustainability
  • Action planning for future improvement
Day Three: Inspirational Leadership: Motivational Trust, and Collective Wisdom
  • Leadership Principles, Perceptions and Praxis: essential themes
  • Changing Paradigms, New Demands and Enlightened Leadership
  • The New Normal; changing environments, expectations and challenges
  • Leadership by “design”, building agile, responsive and decisive leadership
  • The Leader Within; innate qualities personality performance, style and outputs
  • The External Environment; leading and navigating in turbulent times
Day One: Agile Leadership in the New Normal
  • The Leadership Management Debate. Do I Lead or Manage?
  • What Leadership style does my organisation require?
  • 360 Leadership; competence assessment, review and peer coaching
  • Leading the focused agile team.: mission, vision values and SMARTER measures
  • Communicating Organisational and clarifying team purpose
  • Charismatic leaders and Storytelling: acknowledging success and lessons learned
Day Two: Leading Self and Others to Exceptional Performance
  • Trust- the essential ingredient in the new normal
  • Motivational leadership: the Emotionally Intelligent leaders
  • Engagement and well-being: Scope, Support, Connection, Voice
  • Diagnostic tools for organisational and team development
  • Whole brain thinking divergent and convergent thinking
  • Decision Making and the power of diverse thinking
  • Collective wisdom, constructive dissent and innovative outcomes

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course

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