Beating Your Comfort Zone, Welcoming More Risks

Beating Your Comfort Zone, Welcoming More Risks

Benefits of being motivated to have bigger dreams

Imagine standing on top of a large skyscraper. In front of you is a long metal beam stretching across the vast drop below and resting on the opposite skyscraper across the street. As you peer down you see the cars below look like tiny ants and you suddenly feel the fear and danger of the position you are in.

What would it take for you to walk across the beam?

  • Would a million dollars be enough?
  • A new house?
  • The university fees for your children paid?

Chances are, as I ask you these questions you are weighing up if the reward is worth the risk and that is a very wise thing to do before taking such a dangerous risk.

But what happens if on the other side of the beam is one of your families in real danger of falling of the opposite building?

Now I’m sure that the risk vs. reward equation will quickly be adjusted and you will walk across the beam to save your loved one. Even though the risks are just the same and you have the same risk of slipping and falling off the beam you will now take this incredible risk that for a million dollars you would never do.

But why?

Daily we are faced with situations where we are challenged to go beyond our comfort zone, whether it be running a meeting, giving a presentation, having an uncomfortable conversation with an employee, standing up to someone more senior than us in a meeting situation. Challenging a decision, we feel is wrong and countless more situations that we encounter daily.

So how do we find the courage to break free from our comfort zone? How do we feel the fear and do it anyway? What is the secret to pushing through when we feel afraid?

All leaders find themselves in situations where they feel outside of their comfort zone and all leaders use the same strategy to overcome their fear and push through. This is one of the main differences between leaders and the people who they lead. Most people try to avoid things that make them feel uncomfortable and in doing so limit their potential to achieve their dreams and goals. But leaders, despite feeling the same fear as you; cannot only do the uncomfortable things themselves but they can also inspire, motivate and encourage others to gain the courage to do the same.

The Complete Course on Leadership will not only tell you the secret of how these leaders manage to break free of their comfort zones but will give you the opportunity to practice breaking free of fear of risk and in doing so open a door to a brand-new future for you.

What would you dare to do with your life if you are not afraid of the risk?

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