Safe People, Safe Venues, Safe Systems and Safe Equipments
- Assess on-going C-19 related risks to protect all staff and customers
- Acceptance of delegates only from countries with low infection rates
- Attendance at programmes will be limited to a maximum of 10 delegates only
- On arrival at the training venue temperatures will be taken
- PPE will be issued on a daily basis
- Our knowledge of 5-star training venues around the world will ensure your room will meet all those identified guidelines and standards
- Improved hand hygiene inside the room
- Frequent cleaning, disinfectant on workspaces, clinical waste bags, tissues etc
- Provide physical 2m distancing with signage, barriers, oneway systems, staggered break times etc minimising potential contact
- Ensure adequate ventilation
- Provide adequate training, consultation, communication and awareness, with a means for staff and customers to raise any concerns
- Ensure monitoring of delegates and staff so anyone who develops symptoms is quickly isolated
- Morning meals and snacks will be served in individual boxes for each delegate
- Lunch orders will be taken by email in the morning and served individually in private dining areas
- A choice for each delegate to accept the group photograph and Course Certificate either in sealed envelopes or sent digitally.
- Provide necessary personal protective equipment and safeuse guidance
- On day one delegates will receive their personal e-learning tablet containing all the course materials
- On day one delegates will receive their personal e-learning tablet containing all the course materials
On your behalf, AZTech is now demonstrating strong leadership, customer engagement, and use of WHO advice to provide you and your business with appropriate training, better use of technology while ensuring the basics of physical distancing, hygiene, ventilation and PPE.
We look forward to renewing our relationships in the months ahead, we are here to support you and your future training requirements.
Please do not hesitate to make contact with any of our team if you have any questions.
Call +971 4 427 5400