Breaking Down COVID-19’s Global Repercussions

Breaking Down COVID-19’s Global Repercussions

It is no longer a myth that a global pandemic incited by the Novel Coronavirus, or COVID-19, is globally wreaking havoc and has blatantly compromised everyone’s composure whilst inflicting fear and panic due to the growing number of casualties as we head on the days. Moving past the introduction and the science behind the virus that caused this global epidemia, someone has to ask, where do we stand? Why now? What can we do? Where are we situated in all of these? And how far does it go? And the list of unnerving questions branches out.

As the days seize to unfold, the ongoing neck and neck standoff with the pandemic crisis has only painted worsening and rather appalling developments from all over the world irrespective of international stature. From newly acquired cases spiking up in rapid succession, to precautionary measures and containment efforts imposed by infected countries that may precipitate political tensions and disputes, up to the rounding of documented fatalities. Everything just seems to progress on a faster rate than what we have all anticipated. Faster than all of us that it forces dire, distressed and desperate interventions on businesses and entities confined in leading industries that bears profound impact in the world stage just to keep themselves afloat gasping for air.

Since its inception, the pandemic not only had claimed the lives of thousands but had posed a serious threat that initiated an inevitable chain reaction of economic ramifications none of us envisioned or saw coming. It happened in light’s speed that got us all blindsided and too stunned just to react and process everything. International trade and export were detrimentally crippled in view of to China’s succumbing condition. Business Operations across the globe were halted leading to shortage of production. Hence, a severe blow on our supply chain. Travel restrictions have been imposed resulting to diminished flights and utilisation of transportation; directly translating to a dwindling demand on Oil & Fuel Services. Conventions, expos, and congresses have been put to hold indefinitely, downsizing employment opportunities. Repatriations of migrant workers that may directly and instantly destabilize and jeopardize a country due to sudden loss of workforce. Tourism has also suffered tremendously due to the lingering paranoia everywhere. Banking, Investment and Finance starts to crumble as it is in direct proportion with the aforementioned factors and situations. All occurring concurrently while having been romanticized and sensationalized by the irresponsible and defiling use of social media. Thus, these harrowing repercussions can gradually expose both the rigidity and the fragility of the world’s economy which has been on a stalemate for quite some time now due to the transpiring pandemonium. Collectively, such factors can motivate market instability resulting to economic unrest, and if not contained, may lead to a brink of total collapse.

Marooned in the middle of all of these, all we can hope for is a cure that can better our stand to get over this global crisis and pray not to be consumed and devoured completely by a seemingly insurmountable setback. But in the meantime, what can be done from our end is to exercise preventive measures advocated by international health agencies. More importantly, toughening our health and wellness, primarily our immune system which serves as our first line of defense, and by practicing effective health and safety management techniques that may help eradicate the virus and the possibilities of a widespread. In time, everything will fall into the right place. Science & the 21st century technology have never let us down, so far. Not this time for sure.

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