How to Lead Remote Workers

How to Lead Remote Workers

What are the main challenges facing leaders during this very turbulent time?

The CEO of the Chartered Management Institute in the UK, Ann Francke, has offered some wise suggestions for leaders during this difficult period of working from home and social distancing, which I have re-interpreted as follows:

1.     Communicate well – be “virtually visible”

In this Post-COVID 19 world, when staff have to work remotely, managers and employees are even more reliant on using digital technology to communicate. Staff who are socially distanced from one another may feel isolated, especially when having to face difficult decisions or situations. Some of you may have come across the Mehrabian model of communication. This model describes how people communicate using Words, Music and Dance. When we use emails, chats or text, we are reduced to using only words. Consequently, we miss out on many signals which, social creatures that we are, we would normally pick up and which aid our ability to communicate effectively with one another.

Words alone lead to impoverished communication

We miss people’s voices and tones which give us clues about the urgency, crisis and importance of the message, even without the words that go with them. We also miss out on ‘dance’ as we do not see our colleagues faces or expressions, nor do we see their body language. Both ‘music and dance’ tell us so much about how people are feeling about life and work and therefore how we should work with them: do they need support? Encouragement? Help? If they are feeling anxious, are they able to work productively?

How to be virtually visible?

Many tools are becoming regular features to help with new ways of working. In one week, I have learned to use Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Hangouts and Webex all of which have video conferencing facilities. Leaders should pay attention to the needs of the people with whom they have contact and use the most appropriate tools for the job, being as visible as possible.

Productivity tools

Staying in touch remotely may also require using tools to show progress on projects and tasks. The video tools allow for screen sharing. Google docs, Trello and other productivity tools can be updated in real-time.

2.     What about Mental Health?

Psychologists have shown over and over again that our emotions have a huge impact on what we say and do. Our emotions influence the decisions we take. When we are stressed, we react very differently to our colleagues, our customers and other key stakeholders. This may lead to conflict or difficult relationships and therefore a breakdown in trust. When we are anxious, we may more readily jump to conclusions, possibly the wrong ones.

What can leaders, team leaders and supervisors do to help?

Stay in touch; agree on how this will happen and how often. Encourage teams to collaborate. Make use of group tools, for work purposes. Ensure that these are separate from social ‘groups’. If the group is stable, it can be led or moderated by the senior individual to ensure that group members are in contact. This leads to sharing of data and factual information but also emotions, feelings and concerns. Groups working together can provide support to one another as well as coming up with innovations, ideas and solutions to problems. Working collaboratively is more effective than working in isolation.

Leaders can ensure that contributions are appropriate. They can also encourage everybody to participate.

3.     Be clear and be agile

There is nothing worse than being unclear about what to do and what is expected. When there is less physical contact, it’s even more important to set clear aims and objectives, so that every individual knows how to contribute.

In this very uncertain world, leaders may feel reluctant to set objectives, knowing that as external factors change, those objectives may no longer be appropriate. How to handle this ever-changing scenario?

Setting objectives, helps staff motivation. Setting a process for regular contact and updates, allows for objectives to be reviewed and updated and communicated. No one should be blamed for the need for more frequent updates, after all the current situation is unprecedented.

AZTech is offering online coaching and mentoring and are developing online course materials, to support leaders and managers during these difficult times. If you would like help, please get in contact.  You may call +971(4)4275400 or send email to

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