How to Plan your Trainings in 2021 after COVID-19?

How to Plan your Trainings in 2021 after COVID-19?

Global organisations must be predictive and proactive in their decision-making to preserve business continuity and build enterprise resilience. Therefore, as organisations navigate the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, there are a number of issues corporate leaders should be thinking about, as well as steps they can take to not only react to severe business shocks now but also reshape their business and plan for recovery.

Recently there have been announcements of vaccines which should be able to reduce the current pandemic. However this will take time before these can vaccinate the global community. In the meantime we have identify five key priorities for business leaders to implement during 2021 based on perspectives and current global experiences.

  1. Prioritize people safety and continuous engagement

The wellbeing of the employees in the workplace is paramount. People need their employer, community, and government leaders to provide guidance. Addressing their fears and worries in an open and transparent manner will go a long way to engaging them.

They could include the introduction or expansion of flexible work arrangements and other policies that allow people to work remotely from home. Companies may want to reorganize teams and reallocate resources, establish employee wellbeing programs and policies that support a safe working environment.

This could include such categories as Health, Safety & Security & Human Resource Management to help employees remain engaged as they and the organization navigate through the crisis.

  1. Reshape strategy for business continuity

Most businesses are likely to experience significant disruption to their business-as-usual operations and will face business underperformance throughout the duration of the COVID-19 crisis. Supply chain challenges, operational disruption, as well as significant shifts in consumer demands and behavior.

To help address these challenges, companies should consider Strategy, Project Management & Maintenance Management as well as some of the industry focused courses offered by AZTech.

  1. Communicate with relevant stakeholders

Clear communications are necessary when creating a platform to reshape the business and to secure ongoing support from customers, employees, suppliers, creditors, investors and regulatory authorities.

Courses from such categories such as Public Relations, Risk & Crisis Management, Contracts Management and Procurement & Materials Management are examples of what AZTech has for the discerning training department.

  1. Maximize the use of government support policies

Companies should keep an eye on government and organizational opportunities for support and how they can take full advantage of the individual opportunities that arise. Government support may differ based across each sector. Companies will need to investigate each offer of support and determine which ones are best for their organization.

Tax & Revenue Management and Finance & Accounting are but two of the relevant categories for this key training priority.

  1. Build resilience in preparation for the new normal

Once companies have stress tested their strategies and communicated with relevant stakeholders, companies will want to review and renew business continuity plans. Companies will want to identify root causes and consider putting new process and procedures in place based on lessons learned and build contingency plans to ensure greater resilience and better responses to any future crises.

Plan for recovery now, not later. To support this AZTech Training & Consultancy offer a wide range of categories such as Management & Leadership, Professional Development for Women, and Information Technology.

Once the situation has moderated, companies should assess how tough their business management was facing the crisis, and then analyze training options to become more resilient against future disruptions.

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