Leading Your People to the Optimum Decision

Leading Your People to the Optimum Decision

Do you feel stressed when faced with making a decision that could impact you and your team? Have you made a wrong decision in the workplace, that has had wider implications?  Do you look back on your decisions and wish you had been better informed, or had a better method to ensure the right decision was made?

Making decisions can be daunting – but when you are a Leader – leading a team, leading a project, a function, a department, and all eyes are on you, the situational pressure can be compounded even more.

Decision making is an essential key skill required of Leaders, whether it’s the decision to go with a project, to recruit, to delay, to cancel, to post-pone…. – it’s not easy – and having the right tools, techniques and methods to help you is of vital importance.

On the highly engaging and thought-provoking course ‘Leadership Decision Making: Architecture for Optimising Organisational Performance’, delegates have been provided with industry-leading skills, tools and techniques needed to enhance their Leadership decision making.

Through tried and trusted, proven methods, you will learn powerful psychological and behavioural insights into the unique perceptions involved in the decision-making process.  Taking account not just the traditional logical aspects, but also factoring in moral, ethical and personal belief factors that can impact yours, and your team’s, judgement in making the right decision.  In addition, developing strong Emotional Intelligence to tempering stress, thereby leaving a calm, rationale mind to make valued judgements is one of the many skills you will learn on the course.

If you feel the need to enhance your decision-making skills and become a more effective, respected trusted decision-making Leader – this is your course.  What are you waiting for – you never know, this could be the best decision of your life.

For more details of how to enroll on this powerful Leadership Decision Making: Architecture for Optimising Organisational Performance’ course, please contact +971 4 427 5400 for information.

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