Maximising the ROI of Training

Maximising the ROI of Training

Whenever we spend money as individuals we expect to receive some kind of ‘reward’ – it might be the pleasure of driving a new car, enjoying a great holiday, having a pleasant meal with friends.  Whatever the spend we expect a return.  Finance specialist in organisations are no different – they expect to see a return on the investments they make.  The problem with training is that organisations and especially the finance people, regard training and development as a cost and not an investment. 

The reason for this? Very few Learning and Development functions know how to do ROI on training and development let alone actually complete one.  When evaluation of training does take place, it is often limited to ‘happy sheets’ at the close of a training programme.  Whilst such evaluations have a role, they certainly don’t offer any real calculation of the return on the investment.  A second issue is that the assumption is made that ROI is a financial one and so often the return is ROE (Return on Expectations) or is a less tangible return than obvious cost saving or increased productivity.

In the current climate where budgets are scrutinised, headcounts reduced and spending having to be justified, doesn’t it make sense that L & D Professionals and Trainers know not just how to manage the Training Function, but how to demonstrate that money spent on training and development is a sound investment with a calculable Return on Investment?

Fortunately, there’s a training course that will help these professionals learn the tools and techniques essential for success. If you are interested, please visit to check the next session of this course. 

Saudi AZTech Training & Consultancy
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