Negotiating your Way to the Top in Dubai

Negotiating your Way to the Top in Dubai

Last August, AZTech Training & Consultancy ran their ‘Negotiating and Dispute Resolutions’ training course at the top of one of the finest hotels in Dubai. Floor 33 of the conveniently situated Fairmont Hotel on Sheikh Zayed Road sees the return of the extremely popular course which is always a firm favourite with delegates. Don’t worry if you missed out on your chance to attend that week’s course you will find future dates available in our current and 2018 training calendars.

AZTech’s senior consultant hits the ground running with a suitably paced introduction to the key topics, and by the second day delegates were planning their negotiation strategies against well-structured scenaria taken from actual industry experiences of their course leader.

As they moved into day 3 the delegates have learned much about their own style of negotiation and how to adjust it to suit different situations through exercises and self-assessment techniques. The training workshop was a formal framework built around the delegates’ current knowledge and experience. They were encouraged to develop both their negotiation and communication skills to increase the value for money provided to their employer.

By the end of this AZTech training course, delegates will be able to:

  • Demonstrate their understanding of the significance of planning and objective setting
  • Describe how to achieve ‘win-win’ outcomes within the bargaining process
  • Identify the causes of disagreements & disputes
  • Understand the impact dispute may have on relationships over the long term
  • Describe the use of strategies to resolve the causes of disputes

This Aztech training workshop covers all the key aspects of negotiation skills and will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. It culminates in a practical exercise where delegates are able to demonstrate and reinforce the skills which they have been learning of course week.

Here are our 5 top tips which are useful dos and don’ts of negotiation, enroll on our next course if you would like to learn more.

Don’t negotiate!!!  This should be the first rule unless there is something to be gained by both parties, and difficulties to be overcome you should not enter into a negotiation process unless it is necessary. This may seem like a strange rule to include in a negotiation skills course. But the first rule is to recognise when negotiation is required.

Watch and listen and speak as little as possible. It is impossible to gather information must you are talking so try to be as economical as possible with your verbal input to the negotiation meeting. Watch their body signal signs, listen to what is being said and check understanding through questioning.

Don’t give anything away from free. In a negotiation there needs to be reciprocity. This applies to intangibles such as pieces of information whether they are directly or indirectly connected to the negotiation in hand. Remember today’s free gift becomes tomorrow’s starting point in the next negotiation. Giving anything away leads the other party to believe that you can be manipulated.

Always avoid the quick deal. If the other party are driving for a quick agreement in a negotiation and have not followed the full process and discussed all the angles, then something is wrong. You should become suspicious, even if the tempo of the negotiation discussion speeds up or takes on an urgent feel. The likely causes are:

You have made a mistake in your opening offer.  They have seen some advantage which you are not aware of.   In order to counter this, go back to the three questions in item 8.

Never disclose what your bottom line was.  Even after the negotiation has ended you should never give away what your bottom line was as this will set a precedent for next time. If they perceived that they had won the negotiation they are more likely to negotiate from a red perspective on the next occasion, if they perceived they have lost then they may be dissatisfied and find some way of not complying with the agreed outcome of the negotiation.

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