New Leader Development Seminar & Workshop

New Leader Development Seminar & Workshop

“If you don’t value excellence, you won’t achieve excellence.”
Glenn C. Stewart


You first reactions to a new appointment or promotion are usually ones of enthusiasm and excitement, we all love a new challenge and a little praise for our hard work.

However, this enthusiasm and excitement tends only to last until we collide with our first challenges.

Maybe a decision has to be made quickly, or an area of conflict arises. Perhaps we now regret accepting the new appointment or promotion. Whatever it is our euphoria quickly melts away.

This New Leader Development Seminar and Workshop is specifically designed to give you the skills, tools and ‘best practice’ to achieve those new demands thrust on you.

With three days of interactive training covering the latest leadership theories to develop a strong fundamental basis upon which to build your future success. All aspects of management & leadership are examined through traditional and innovative learning processes.

Decisions become less daunting when you have the tools to problem solve and the methodology to make them. Conflict becomes less stressful and damaging when you have the emotional intelligence to build rapport and the knowledge of how to deal with these ‘hot spots’. You no longer regret your new position but thrive on this new career opportunity.

Following the theory comes two days of intensive practical application. Work groups explore and apply their newly learnt skills in business case scenarios and case studies to develop confidence and understanding. This combination of theory and practical application ensures you leave with knowledge, experience and confidence that will bolster your career and future success.

Now with the confidence built upon knowledge and practice you can face the challenges of management & leadership. Your work takes on new meaning and your example becomes the model for your team.

Organizations need new leaders. Leaders are people who have the vision to see what needs to be done, and to motivate and energize people to perform excellently. Enroll on this course to help you and your organisation build a strong, respected and prosperous business.

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