Project Scheduling and Cost Planning Skills

Project Scheduling and Cost Planning Skills

This week in London, our delegates are from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Nigeria. They have come together from a variety of industrial backgrounds: from oil refineries, oil exploration, chemical and industrial polymer and electricity generation and distribution companies. All though these diverse industries have projects in their own right, they can all benefit from using the traditional tools, techniques and processes that project management focuses on.

The students have had several years in industry now and are looking to start work in, or have now gained a few years, working in roles in projects. The course this week will start to home their project management skills in a friendly, participative, safe environment. Our course is based on the PMI 7th Book of Knowledge.

Among the topics on offer are:

  • Project selection methods
  • Understanding the business case
  • Defining project scope
  • Project schedule management using the Critical Path Method
  • Resource management
  • Project cost management
  • Options for accelerating the schedule
  • Managing the Risks
  • Critical chain analysis and use of buffers
  • Measuring planned progress on schedule
  • Progress control charts – trend analysis
  • Earned Value Management

When the delegates complete the course on Friday, they will go back to their organisations full of confidence, to discuss best practised project management with their colleagues in the work place. In addition, they will know how to use the tools and techniques of project management, understand who is responsible for doing tasks, and be able to fully participate in planning and monitoring their projects. Along with of course, having a lifelong memorable experience in the City of London, England.

This popular course “Project Scheduling & Cost Planning Skills” has been successfully run by experienced AZTech consultants, several times a year, for many years now, in Dubai or London. It is often requested and is available to be run as an inhouse company training event.

Saudi AZTech Training & Consultancy
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