1 March 2022
The Strategic Thinking Behind Making Effective Decisions

The Strategic Thinking Behind Making Effective Decisions

What should I do? How do I decide?

Think back to the last time you had to make a decision. Were you prepared to live with the outcome of your choice? What empowered you to make that choice?

Some decisions are so simple that you are barely aware you are making them, whilst others are time-consuming, high risk, and can leave you feeling anxious. Decisions can make or break a career or even an entire business. They often involve complex and unpredictable interpersonal issues and consequences.

Taking the step to make a decisive decision – even if you are unsure of the consequences, can have an incredible impact on you as it empowers your ability to think freely and critically.

Becoming a more effective decision-maker will improve your leadership ability and self-confidence.

In addition, it is a skill that can help you make better use of your time, reduce your stress and help you achieve your goals. Unlike other skills, decision-making can improve and produce better outcomes, especially for those critical, complicated dilemmas you often face.

This AZTech course will help you push past the fear and doubts associated with decision making, and you can start taking control of your life’s outcomes.

Three simple tips for making better decisions:

  1. Eliminate making minor decisions

By eliminating the small choices in life, you save the best of your brain’s ability for the important things. When he was in office, Barack Obama removed one decision from his daily life – what to wear. It was always a grey or blue suit and a white shirt because he knew the science behind decision-making and that by wearing a kind of uniform, he was able to prioritise essential decisions. 

  1. Your brain needs fuel to think just as much as your body does to move

So, when you need to make a vital decision, make sure you are not hungry. Research shows that drinking plenty of water and having a slow-release carbohydrate breakfast like porridge will help you think clearly. Omega-3 is also brilliant brain food. You can find it in oily fish and pumpkin, and sunflower seeds. 

  1. End the fear of loss and “what-if” from dominating your decision-making

Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman spent a decade studying human decision-making and found that we are generally more afraid of loss than motivated to gain in big decisions. According to his research, this means we often pick the safest option rather than the one that will have the most positive impact on our lives. Kahneman’s got an excellent tip for getting over this fear of loss. Ask the advice of a friend who is not afraid to drop some truth bombs even if it means your feelings get a bit roughed up. An objective friend can help you identify the best decision because they are not weighed down by the fear of what could be lost. In the end, the decision is always yours, but it helps to seek this kind of advice. 

So, the next time you are faced with making a big decision, free your brain from small decisions, give it good fuel and seek out a friend or colleague who cares more about your future than your feelings. 

Do you want to learn how to make effective decsions?

You can register online right now or request a paper registration form by calling us at +971 4 427 5400. For more information about “Decisions, Dynamics & Leadership Styles” course click here. Bookings are essential as places are limited, and to reserve your place, contact reg@aztechtraining.com or call +971 50 195 5668. 


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