What are different types of Renewable Energy and how do we integrate them into our grid today?

What are different types of Renewable Energy and how do we integrate them into our grid today?

This week, AZTech offers a new course entitled ‘Renewable Energy Integration’ which focusses on the merits of renewable energy and the reduction of carbon footprint verses the conventional fossil fuels. Renewable energy are free mainly solar, wind and water. Today many initiatives has made inroads into the generation of electricity by PV (photo voltaic) cells and wind turbines or wind farms located onshore and off shore.

Other forms of renewable energy power generation includes hydro, tidal waves, biomass and geothermal. These renewable energy sources can be integrated into the grid known as Smart Grid. The Smart Grid will be the future, as consumers will be able to produce their own electricity and perhaps sell the excess to the utility provider.

Among the topics included during the course are the following:

  • Drivers and types of renewable energy
  • Solar PV panels construction and operation
  • Wind turbines construction and operation
  • Wind and solar power integration
  • Conventional power generation and the grid
  • Hydro power generation
  • Geothermal power generation
  • Bio mass power generation
  • The Smart Grid
  • Micro grid

The above topics will ensure delegates better understanding of renewable energy. This will also create an opportunity for delegates to choose and optimize which type of renewable energy generation is best suited for their environment.

To know more about this course please check Renewable Energy Integration.

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