Where Communication is Poor

Where Communication is Poor

Communication (from Latin communicare, meaning “to share”) is the act of conveying meanings from one entity or group to another through the use of mutually understood signs, symbols, and semiotic rules (Wikipedia).

When we get it right, there are no problems, but nobody congratulates us and nobody gets a prize or a certificate. For most of us communication is simple and straight forward. We just convey our message and assume the receiver understands the signs, symbols and semiotic rule we think we are following. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. And again, when people communicate to us, we assume what we hear is what they mean. The chances of this happening in all cases is low to say the least. In our hectic, crazy world there as many distractions as there are words, possible even more.

We need to be sensitive to the needs of the receiver, they are unique and convey our messages in different ways. The way forward would be to adapt our message to suit each receiver but is that practical. Alternatively, we could teach the people of the world how to communicate. Correct grammar, sentences, language etc. Listening tests would become compulsory and we would all adopt artificial intelligence and communicate in binary code. Again, this is not practical or desirable.

Can we remove all the barriers to listening? Unlikely. Nor will the modern world reduce the amount of overload of information we have available to use. Information gives freedom and we have all suffered from those who want to take our freedom away from us. Feelings also can affect our communication, either way. Anger and joy, sadness and loneliness all impact our ability to communicate. Angry aggressive people may feel they are making the other person to comply with their demands, but the reality is that they are destroying any chance of respect and compliance.

In some of the latest forms of communication, we may find the technology lets us down. Poor connections, interference and noise all impact on the quality of our communication. Perhaps the most important issue is the absence of additional information. When we communicate face to face we have words, tone and body language to help with the interpretation of the message. Telephone cuts out body language while email removes tone as well. No wonder some emails find us wondering what was being conveyed.

So, what can AZTech’s Communication, Coordination & Leadership: Enhancing Leadership & Supervisory Skills training course offer in the face of such confusion and disarray? The course opens by identifying our personal communication style whilst helping participants to understand how others communicate. We all have strengths and weaknesses in our communication, and this influences how successful we are in our personal and professional life. As the course explores the various aspects of communication, participants develop enhanced skills in meetings, presentations and influencing others. This comprehensively enriches communication skills that can be used to become an effective organiser and leader. This growing ability brings confidence and motivation to tackle advanced communication skills, both verbal and non-verbal, questioning and empathic listening. Communication will always be a challenge, but with the help of this course, it is a challenge all our participants can undertake with renewed ability and confidence.

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