Your Leadership Role During the International Pandemic Crisis

Your Leadership Role During the International Pandemic Crisis

There is no time that someone’s true leadership mettle is tested more, than in times of crisis.  Everything is in flux, nothing is clear, and fear and anxiety are dominating the emotional landscape.  You may be forced to make quick decisions based on limited information and be responsible for implementing action plans which have a lasting impact on the lives of employees and the future of the company.

With the current lockdowns, travel restrictions, financial insecurity and looming potential for civic unrest if the situation worsens, most of us are currently in damage control mode, protecting employees, and acting within strict regulations and limitations to do our best to reassure customers and provide what goods and services we still can, whilst hoping to get back to normal as soon as possible.

However, the global ‘time out’ as normal business and community life grinds to a dramatic halt, seems to be asking many of us to stop and take stock.  Life and business may not get back to normal, or in the least may take a long time to get back to pre-covid-19 levels of activity. 

When there are too many unknown factors at play, focusing too much on the details, or trying to continue business as usual with superficial adjustments can be akin to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.  We may need to step much further back and see where we are heading and if we may require a large shift in the direction. 

A smaller crisis can come throughout the course of a company’s journey and can be illustrated by the downward dip in an S-Curve graph.  When a company introduces a new popular product or service to the market they will see a steep climb in their success, but as the market gets saturated by imitators, the growth begins to slow down and eventually decline, at which point, unless the company prevents itself, introducing a new or improved service or product they will not survive. And the key to creating a new and successful service to product is to constantly ask, what are the needs of our customers? Procter and Gamble would not exist today if they had simply stayed in the soap game.  Instead, they interviewed thousands of housewives to find out what was their most disliked household chore.   They figured if they could create a product that could eliminate the disliked chore, they would be on the upswing of the S-Curve again.  Turns out washing dirty nappies topped the list, and thus the disposal diaper was born. 

The needs of the market are always changing, and those who can be flexible during such times, are able to capitalize on it.   People will always have needs, but it takes foresight and emotional maturity, to let go of the golden goose that has stopped laying eggs and start thinking longer term about what are other needs your customers may have that your company has the capacity to fulfil.  By focusing on the needs of others, we are naturally focusing on the purpose of our company, as the purpose is always related to service.  Our companies exist to serve, and when their services are no longer required or adequate they cease to exist. 

However, although the purpose remains essentially the same – to serve.  Vision, which is how we fulfil that purpose, is always changing.  It changes as the company’s capacity to serve grows, and it also adapts according to the threats and opportunities in the environment. 

After the initial damage control is in the place, what will be required for leaders in all areas of the business as the dust of Covid-19 settles, is the ability to scan the landscape, and be able to see and help others see new possibilities in terms of vision and direction. 

The other essential need of the leader during the initial crisis stage and beyond is the quality of emotional maturity and faith-filled optimism.   If we allow ourselves to be disturbed by external changes, no matter how big, or to become morose and pessimistic, we are likely to go down with the ship and take everyone with it.  We can’t afford the luxury of negative thinking at these times.  There may be hardships, there may be cutbacks of various kinds, but if we keep focused on how can we create value for others, and are willing to think creatively there will always be a place for us in the market and there will always be a way through the most challenging times.

Our company and a large network of skilled trainers are committed to helping you and your and staff navigate successfully through these stormy waters of change and help you create a 20/20 vision for the future.    It’s at times like this that the support of a professional consultant or leadership training can make all the difference in helping the leaders in your company not just cope but move forward with confidence, clarity and creativity.

AZTech is offering online coaching and mentoring and are developing online course materials, to support leaders and managers during these difficult times. If you would like help, please get in contact.  You may call +971(4)4275400 or send email to

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