An intensive professional development training course on

Master Class in
Health and Safety

A Roadmap for Health and Safety

08-19 Jul 2024
Dubai - UAE
08-19 Jul 2024
Dubai - UAE
11-22 Nov 2024
Dubai - UAE
11-22 Nov 2024
Dubai - UAE
17-28 Feb 2025
Dubai - UAE
17-28 Feb 2025
Dubai - UAE
07-18 Jul 2025
Dubai - UAE
10-21 Nov 2025
Dubai - UAE
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Why Choose this Training Course?

“That was a near miss. Okay now we continue with our work”. This is not the way Health and Safety should be handled. Certainly a near miss is better than an accident but it only means luck intervened. Health and Safety requires a robust system of management, competent leaders, methods for hazard identification and risk reduction through inherently safer work designs

All organisations invest considerable amounts in training and guiding their Team Leaders, Managers, Engineers and Supervisors on new methods of leaner and higher efficiency production methods. Incidents however keep occurring resulting in human harm and financial loss.

AZTech’s Master Class in Health Safety training course aims at rectifying the loss cycle by attaining superior competencies in the areas of Health and Safety. This 10-day Master Class training course provides a valuable understanding to Health and Safety and is a serious step towards developing competencies that will enable further progression in these fields. The increased competencies of the delegates will result in cost savings and increased efficiencies within the company. The training course covers Safety Management, Hazard Control and Process Safety Management.

This training course will feature:

  • Management Systems and the role of risk management
  • Occupational Health and the importance of safety management
  • Process safety and legislation that is applicable to the industry
  • Systems to prevent loss of containment
  • Hazards and controls available for the oil and gas industry
  • Emergency Preparedness

The Structure

This comprehensive course consists of two modules which can be booked as a 10 Day Training event, or as individual 5 Day courses.

Module 1 – Safety Measures and Hazard Control

Module 2 – Perfecting Process Safety

What are the Goals?

This AZTech Master Class training course on Health and Safety aims to help delegates achieve the following objectives:

  • Understand Safety Management
  • Explain the Risk Assessment process
  • Analyse workplace hazards
  • Identify methods of Hazard Control
  • Explain the foundations of process safety
  • Describe the systems to prevent loss of containment
  • Analyse common risks and controls in the process safety industry
  • Understand Furnace operations
  • Appreciate Start Up and Shutdown Hazards
  • Summarise safe entry procedures in confined spaces
  • Create Emergency response strategies

Who is this Training Course for?

This AZTech Health and Safety training course is ideal for those working in the Process Industry such as Oil & Gas, Chemicals and Petrochemicals. It is aimed at professionals, who have responsibilities for health and safety and require superior competence in this field, including but not limited to:

  • Process Managers
  • Process Engineers
  • Team Leaders/Supervisors
  • Maintenance Engineers
  • Health and Safety personnel

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This unique AZTech training course on Health and Safety is presented face to face and will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This includes presentations of videos, case studies and discussions that will enhance the learning process. Active participation is encouraged during the entire training course.

The Course Content

Module 1: Safety Measures and Hazard Control
Day One – Safety Management Foundations
  • The nature of workplace health and safety
  • Responsibilities of Employers and Employees
  • Safety Management Systems (Plan, Do, Check, Act)
  • OHSAS 18001, ISO 45001, OSHA Guidelines for Safety Management
  • Improving health and safety performance
  • A Safety Policy
  • Inspections & Audits
Day Two – Risk Assessment and Control
  • Setting Targets - Key Performance indicators
  • Health and safety risk assessment
  • General principles for control
  • Hierarchy of risk reduction
  • Safe systems of work
  • Human Error
  • Case Study
Day Three: Hazards and Controls
  • Physical Hazards (Noise, Vibration)
  • Electricity Hazards
  • Work Equipment Hazards
  • Manual Handling Hazards
  • Workplace hazards (Temperature, Violence and Bullying, Slips and Trips, Work at Height)
  • Transport Hazards
Day Four: Incident Investigation, Fire and Emergency Procedures
  • Incident Investigation
  • Why investigate Incidents
  • When to investigate Incidents
  • Fire safety
  • Need for Emergency plans
  • First Aid Provisions
Day Five: Occupational Health (HazCom) & Safety Culture
  • Chemical Hazards
  • Occupational exposure limits
  • Stress
  • Safety Culture
  • Review of the Week
  • Evaluation
Module 2: Perfecting Process Safety
Day Six: The Foundations of Process Safety
  • Introduction
  • Learning from Accidents
  • Good Practice Standards for the process industry (EU and USA)
  • Permit-to-work system
  • Case Study
  • Shift handover the key principles
Day Seven: Risk Management and Management of Change
  • Risk Management
  • The Swiss Cheese Model
  • HAZOP Studies
  • Inherent Safer Design
  • Case Study
  • Management of Change
  • Case Study
Day Eight: Combustion and Confined Space Entry
  • Furnace operations
  • Firing conditions
  • Confined Space Entry
  • Cleaning, Isolating and Atmospheric Testing
  • Training
  • Case Study
Day Nine: Start Up, Shutdown, Hydrocarbon Storage & Types of Fire & Explosions
  • Start Up & Shutdown
  • Storage Depots – Bund Areas
  • Safety Instrumented Systems
  • Case Study
  • Types of Fire & Explosions – VCE, UVCE, BLEVE, Boil Over
  • Case Study
Day Ten: Fire and Emergency Response
  • Passive and Active Fire Protection
  • Case Study
  • Emergency Response
  • Review of the Week
  • Evaluation
Day Ten: Fire and Emergency Response
  • Passive and Active Fire Protection
  • Case Study
  • Emergency Response
  • Review of the Week
  • Evaluation
Day Nine: Start Up, Shutdown, Hydrocarbon Storage & Types of Fire & Explosions
  • Start Up & Shutdown
  • Storage Depots – Bund Areas
  • Safety Instrumented Systems
  • Case Study
  • Types of Fire & Explosions – VCE, UVCE, BLEVE, Boil Over
  • Case Study
Day Eight: Combustion and Confined Space Entry
  • Furnace operations
  • Firing conditions
  • Confined Space Entry
  • Cleaning, Isolating and Atmospheric Testing
  • Training
  • Case Study
Day Seven: Risk Management and Management of Change
  • Risk Management
  • The Swiss Cheese Model
  • HAZOP Studies
  • Inherent Safer Design
  • Case Study
  • Management of Change
  • Case Study
Module 2: Perfecting Process Safety
Day Six: The Foundations of Process Safety
  • Introduction
  • Learning from Accidents
  • Good Practice Standards for the process industry (EU and USA)
  • Permit-to-work system
  • Case Study
  • Shift handover the key principles
Day Five: Occupational Health (HazCom) & Safety Culture
  • Chemical Hazards
  • Occupational exposure limits
  • Stress
  • Safety Culture
  • Review of the Week
  • Evaluation
Day Three: Hazards and Controls
  • Incident Investigation
  • Why investigate Incidents
  • When to investigate Incidents
  • Fire safety
  • Need for Emergency plans
  • First Aid Provisions
Day Four: Incident Investigation, Fire and Emergency Procedures
  • Physical Hazards (Noise, Vibration)
  • Electricity Hazards
  • Work Equipment Hazards
  • Manual Handling Hazards
  • Workplace hazards (Temperature, Violence and Bullying, Slips and Trips, Work at Height)
  • Transport Hazards
Day Two – Risk Assessment and Control
  • Setting Targets - Key Performance indicators
  • Health and safety risk assessment
  • General principles for control
  • Hierarchy of risk reduction
  • Safe systems of work
  • Human Error
  • Case Study
Module 1: Safety Measures and Hazard Control
Day One – Safety Management Foundations
  • The nature of workplace health and safety
  • Responsibilities of Employers and Employees
  • Safety Management Systems (Plan, Do, Check, Act)
  • OHSAS 18001, ISO 45001, OSHA Guidelines for Safety Management
  • Improving health and safety performance
  • A Safety Policy
  • Inspections & Audits

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course


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