An intensive professional development training course on

Presentation Skills
Master Class

Creating and Delivering High Impact Presentations

Classroom Sessions

08-12 Jul 2024
Dubai - UAE
08-12 Jul 2024
Dubai - UAE
14-18 Oct 2024
Istanbul - Turkey
14-18 Oct 2024
Istanbul - Turkey
06-10 Jan 2025
Amsterdam - The Netherlands
06-10 Jan 2025
Amsterdam - The Netherlands
07-11 Apr 2025
London - UK
07-11 Apr 2025
London - UK
07-11 Jul 2025
Dubai - UAE

Online Sessions

15-19 Jul 2024
15-19 Jul 2024
16-20 Sep 2024
16-20 Sep 2024
21-25 Oct 2024
21-25 Oct 2024
04-08 Nov 2024
04-08 Nov 2024
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Why Choose this Training Course?

Delivering a dynamic, persuasive, informative and memorable presentation is one of the fastest ways to increase your influence and boost your credibility as a professional. Knowing your subject, and being confident are a good starting point, but a truly masterful presenter also knows how to read the audience, adjust their delivery and content for the precise purpose of the presentation, and keep an audience not only engaged but remembering the message long after they finish speaking. Whether you are new or an experienced presenter this AZTech training course will help you to move your confidence and skills to another level, and using video playback, you will see the results in front of your eyes. 

This training course will feature:

  • Developing the right mental attitude to boost confidence and calm nerves
  • Creating and organising your thoughts using mind mapping techniques
  • Making a powerful impression through dynamic body language and voice control
  • Using design, visuals and technology to boost the impact of your presentation
  • Becoming a masterful communicator and an authentic emotionally intelligent presenter

What are the Goals?

By the end of the training course participants will be able to:

  • Deliver a powerful, professional and on-purpose presentation
  • Use technology to design effective visual materials
  • Win over the heads and hearts of even challenging audiences
  • Recognise their own presentation strengths, style and weaknesses
  • Be confident answering questions and thinking on your feet

Who is this Training Course for?

Anyone who needs to speak in front of an audience, in a conference, training, or meeting situation, previous experience is useful but not necessary, as course will revisit the essentials as well as advance techniques. Those who would be benefit from this training course include:

  • Those giving business presentations to their colleagues and clients
  • Those expected to give public presentations and fear doing so
  • Senior managers who give presentations at company events
  • Sales staff who need to give presentations to prospective clients
  • Business owners and leaders, managers, supervisors and team leaders
  • Technical, training or administrative staff

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This includes presentations, discussions, videos, group and facilitator feedback, and video replay. All theory is backed with interactive exercises, which enable participants to gain confidence in using the methods presented. They also get opportunities to observe and give feedback to other participants about their presentation skills, thus reinforcing their own learning experience, plus plenty of coaching feedback from the trainer.

The Course Content

Day One: Organising your Thoughts and Gaining Confidence
  • Identifying your personal USP (Unique Presentation Style)
  • Clarifying purpose and choosing an appropriate structure and strategy
  • Ice-breakers, warming up and reading the audience
  • Overcomes nervousness and looking and feeling confident
  • Adapting the right mental attitude to present powerfully
  • Learning how to formulate and structure topics using mind mapping
Day Two: Looking, Sounding and Acting as a Professional Presenter
  • Becoming comfortable presenting in front of the group and camera
  • Identifying your strengths and weaknesses as a presenter
  • Maximizing impact through body language, postures, gestures and dress
  • Mastering the 7 essential areas of voice control
  • The 3 essential ingredients of a professional powerful presentation
  • How to make a persuasive speech
Day Three: Using Technology to Maximize Impact
  • Learn to create fantastic flip charts to support the key messages
  • Design beautiful and compelling PowerPoint presentations
  • Presenting complex data using graphs and visuals
  • Creating and adding video clips to your power point presentations
  • Working with different room layouts and handling microphones
  • Learn different tools to add diversity and interest to engage an audience
Day Four: The Techniques and Tools of a Master Presenter
  • Communicating concepts quickly
  • Using analogies and drawing on memorable images
  • The art of story-telling and story boarding
  • Creating an interactive, question friendly atmosphere
  • Overcoming shyness or arrogance in speaking through emotional intelligence
  • Preparing for questions and handling difficult or tricky questions
Day Five: The Techniques and Tools of a Master Presenter
  • Handling resistance, set-backs and criticism
  • Finding your authentic voice as a presenter
  • Gaining confidence as a communicator and going off-script
  • Increasing your authority and credibility as an expert in your field
  • Making the audience feel good about themselves and you
  • Engaging the right and left brains, the heads and the hearts of your audience
Day Four: The Techniques and Tools of a Master Presenter
  • Identifying your personal USP (Unique Presentation Style)
  • Clarifying purpose and choosing an appropriate structure and strategy
  • Ice-breakers, warming up and reading the audience
  • Overcomes nervousness and looking and feeling confident
  • Adapting the right mental attitude to present powerfully
  • Learning how to formulate and structure topics using mind mapping
Day One: Organising your Thoughts and Gaining Confidence
  • Learn to create fantastic flip charts to support the key messages
  • Design beautiful and compelling PowerPoint presentations
  • Presenting complex data using graphs and visuals
  • Creating and adding video clips to your power point presentations
  • Working with different room layouts and handling microphones
  • Learn different tools to add diversity and interest to engage an audience
Day Two: Looking, Sounding and Acting as a Professional Presenter
  • Becoming comfortable presenting in front of the group and camera
  • Identifying your strengths and weaknesses as a presenter
  • Maximizing impact through body language, postures, gestures and dress
  • Mastering the 7 essential areas of voice control
  • The 3 essential ingredients of a professional powerful presentation
  • How to make a persuasive speech
Day Five: The Techniques and Tools of a Master Presenter
  • Handling resistance, set-backs and criticism
  • Finding your authentic voice as a presenter
  • Gaining confidence as a communicator and going off-script
  • Increasing your authority and credibility as an expert in your field
  • Making the audience feel good about themselves and you
  • Engaging the right and left brains, the heads and the hearts of your audience
Day Three: Using Technology to Maximize Impact
  • Communicating concepts quickly
  • Using analogies and drawing on memorable images
  • The art of story-telling and story boarding
  • Creating an interactive, question friendly atmosphere
  • Overcoming shyness or arrogance in speaking through emotional intelligence
  • Preparing for questions and handling difficult or tricky questions

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course

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