6 April 2022
Certificate in Practical Finance and Accounting

Certificate in Practical Finance and Accounting

Finance and accounting know-how and their appropriate application are essential tools for successful business management.

It is vitally important for managers in all organisations to understand and use the key tools and techniques of finance and accounting.  They must also develop their ability to appreciate their application for effective financial reporting and analyis, performance measurement, strategic planning, budgeting, and decision-making to ensure not just the economic survival of their organisations but to create the basis for future development and growth.

Accurate and intelligent reporting, analysis and interpretation of financial information provides the foundation on which to base business decisions. Effective planning and budgeting should aim to optimise the use of scarce resources. It is always crucially important that every financial decision is value-adding; it is particularly important during periods of economic slow down, which are inevitable elements of boom and bust economic cycles. This means that waste (anything that is not value-adding), and therefore its cost, should be eliminated or at least minimised.

Managers employed in all organisations must be familiar with how their accounting systems operate to be able to identify the relevant financial information that is generated from such systems. All managers should be able to analyse and interpret financial information, and particularly the three key financial statements: income statement; balance sheet; statement of cash flows. Development of managers’ ability to apply the management accounting techniques of planning and control enables them to significantly impact on improved business and financial performance. The ability of managers to positively contribute to the capital budgeting and project investment appraisal processes enables their hands-on involvement in the achievement of the primary objective of shareholder wealth maximisation. Their appreciation of the range of sources of funding and financial instruments available from financial institutions and the financial markets means that managers can identify the most appropriate and effective long-term financing that minimises the organisation’s cost of capital and further enhances the value of its capital investment projects.    

Managers employed in every function at all levels in the private, public and voluntary sectors, and in manufacturing and services, are today expected to digest large amounts of financial information in order to make business decisions, and prepare plans and budgets. To carry out these tasks successfully it is essential that both financial and non-financial professionals regularly refresh and update their knowledge and skills in the key areas of finance and accounting. Training in Practical Finance and Accounting specifically covers the essential skills and expertise that should be acquired to ensure that the organisation can survive financially and plan to ensure its future growth.

The lack of appropriate financial and accounting knowledege and expertise exposes organisations to risk through the failure of its managers to:

  • understand financial and economic indicators and read the warning signs
  • advise on appropriate actions and make correct decisions
  • prepare effective financial plans and budgets
  • eliminate waste and control overheads and other costs.

The resources for appropriate training to acquire the required financial and accounting know-how are readily available. World-class provider AZTech presents worldwide public and in-house training for financial and non-financial personnel at every level. Their user-friendly training encourages participants to openly express and discuss their opinions and experiences and flag up the areas in which they require further guidance.

You can register online right now or request a paper registration form by calling us at +971 4 427 5400.  For more information about “Certificate in Practical Finance and Accounting” training course click here. Bookings are essential as places are limited, and to reserve your place, contact reg@aztechtraining.com or call +971 50 195 5668


AZTech is a leading international provider of training courses, seminars, workshops, programs, conferences and in-house training.  These can be delivered either in classroom or virtual setup. We deliver a wide range of cutting-edge training that include Strategy, Management & Leadership, Finance & Accounting, Health & Safety, Human Resources, Project Management, Procurement and Contracts Management, Mechanical, Maintenance, & Electrical Engineering. AZTech Training is all about ensuring that our delegates get Quality Assured Training and this commitment to delivering the best possible learning experience is demonstrated by our continuous working relationship with the world’s leading professional governing and certifying bodies. Visit us at www.aztechtraining.com

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