22 March 2022
The Leadership Journey

The Leadership Journey

Are you a leader or an aspiring leader identified by the organisation to lead others, now or in the future? Where have you learned the art of leadership? Has this been through trial and error or by earning from others as you go along?

When we are required to learn a new skill/process/system we are sent on a course to teach us the fundamentals and practicalities needed.

Yet when it comes to leadership many in the workplace have this thrust upon them with no prior knowledge, learning or understanding. This can cause many problems both for the individual, the team they are leading, as well as the organisation.

In order to overcome this problem, we have developed an innovative leadership programme which starts current or aspiring leaders on the journey of leadership discovery and knowledge.

Leadership is required throughout the organisation, a person leading a small team will still require the same core leadership skills as would a senior person in the organisation.  So, this programme is not confined to certain types of leaders, certain disciplines or job roles or levels in an organisation.

This programme will provide solid foundation building blocks with which to build your leadership knowledge, using practical tools and techniques. It will provide the essential grounding with which to start your leadership journey for now and for the rest of your career.

You will learn the essential behaviours and characteristics required of a leader in today’s modern world. These skills will provide the basis from which you will build your leadership credibility, gaining the respect of others using self-awareness, emotional intelligence and behavioural psychological techniques.

It is not enough in today’s highly complex and technical world to just to learn about leadership styles, but also to be an inspirational and innovative thought leader.  On the programme you will learn the fundamentals of how to enthuse creativity and innovation, within yourself, your team and the organisation.

It is a key factor in today’s modern leader they are able to ‘think outside the box’, develop agile thought and problem-solving skills in order to lead in today’s rapidly changing world. You will learn about the ‘Alternative box’ as well as a cleverly structed system to generate powerful ideas, known only to truly outstanding leaders, pushing the boundaries to create innovative as well as disruptive ideas and solutions.

The programme will develop your core skills to communicate like an inspirational leader, to create powerful vision, and ensure that you are able to influence people at all levels to follow your lead, all being key factors in leadership.

As Lau Tzu, but often accredited to Confucius, once said: ‘A journey of a thousand miles – starts with the first step’.

Let us help and guide you on that journey of discovery through the maze of leadership knowledge and understanding by providing you the best first-step experience.

Our expert tutor will show you the correct way to ensure your leadership journey is both a pleasurable as well as highly informative.  Providing you with the essential skills to lead in today’s modern, rapid and technologically advancing world by future-proofing your leadership development.

You can register online right now or request a paper registration form by calling us at +971 4 427 5400.  For more information about “The Leadership Journey” training course click here. Bookings are essential as places are limited, and to reserve your place, contact reg@aztechtraining.com or call +971 50 195 5668


AZTech is a leading international provider of training courses, seminars, workshops, programs, conferences and in-house training.  These can be delivered either in classroom or virtual setup. We deliver a wide range of cutting-edge training that include Strategy, Management & Leadership, Finance & Accounting, Health & Safety, Human Resources, Project Management, Procurement and Contracts Management, Mechanical, Maintenance, & Electrical Engineering. AZTech Training is all about ensuring that our delegates get Quality Assured Training and this commitment to delivering the best possible learning experience is demonstrated by our continuous working relationship with the world’s leading professional governing and certifying bodies. Visit us at www.aztechtraining.com


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