How to Run an Effective Meeting

How to Run an Effective Meeting

Running a Team Meeting


In any organisation, “meetings” are a vital part of the organisation of work and the flow of information. They act as a mechanism for gathering together resources from many sources and pooling then towards a common objective.

How to Run an Effective MeetingThey are disliked and mocked because they are usually futile, boring, time-wasting, dull, and inconvenient with nothing for most people to do except doodle while some opinionated has been extols the virtues of his/her last great (misunderstood) idea.

Your challenge is to break this mould and to make your meetings effective. As with every other managed activity, meetings should be planned beforehand, monitored during for effectiveness, and reviewed afterwards for improving their management.


As a manager, you can organise the information and structure of the meeting to support the effective communication of the participants, Gain a reputation for holding decisive, effective meetings, then people will value your efficiency and also prepare professional, so that their contribution will be vital and efficient. 

In arranging a meeting ask yourself these questions:

  • Who should attend?
  • Does it warrant a meeting?
  • How long will it take?
  • Does each attendee have all the necessary information?
  • Has each person received an agenda?
  • Is the room and facilities ideal for such a meeting?


Maintaining Communication

Your most important tools are:

  • Clarification – always clarify: the purpose of the meeting, the time allowed, and the rules to be observed
  • Summary – at each stage of the proceedings, you should summarise the current position and progress: this is what we have achieved/agreed, this is where we have reached
  • Focus on stated goals – at each divergence or pause, re-focus the proceeding on the original goals


Matching Method to Purpose

The stated purpose of a meeting may suggest to you a specific way of conducting the event, and each section might be conducted differently. For instance, if the purpose is:

  • to convey information, the meeting would start with a short (clear)statement of the topic/problem and then an open discussion supported by notes on a display, or a formal brainstorming session
  • to make a decision, the meeting review the background and options, establish the criteria to be applied, agree who should make the decision and how, and then do it
  • to ratify/explain decision, etc.


  • After the meeting, analyse, whether you achieved your objectives
  • How could the meeting have been improved on?
  • What follow-up procedures need to be set in place?

Planning a Meeting

An effective team meeting, should leave a lasting impression. The aim should be to:

  • Educate
  • Entertain
  • Motivate your staff

Keep these basic ideas in mind when planning your meetings

  1. Clearly define the purpose of the meeting
  2. Make sure its objectives cannot be accomplished in a more effective way, such as by phone, individual meetings, emails, memos, or field coaching.
  3. Circulate in advance the purpose and focus of the meeting
  4. Notify individuals on what is required by them, for that particular meeting.
  5. Think of people outside your department, or within and outside the company, who could enhance the meeting with an informational presentation
  6. Make the meeting as short and powerful as possible
  7. Prepare your materials well in advance
  8. After the meeting, appraise the meetings effectiveness, with feedback from your staff


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