Leadership for Administrative Leaders

Leadership for Administrative Leaders

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I often ask people what they believe is the first step required in order to gain a leadership role. I receive answers such as, work hard; know the right people, education.   We can wait for time, chance, or other people to open the door of opportunity for us.  However, someone with the true spirit of leadership is aware of the enormous power of self-belief.  

Self-belief is not a false confidence based on your expertise and years of experience.  That sort of belief can shake as soon as you are in unfamiliar territory.  It may also permit you from having an open mind, listening to others who know more and taking necessary risks or trying new approaches. 

In fact, real self-belief is something much deeper, and is based timeless wisdom, rather than ego boosting psychological fixes.

Real self belief, self confidence, self-esteem, self-respect, are based both on a fair and humble appreciation of the knowledge, talents, gifts, and qualities that make you unique, but equally on a profound recognition, and acceptance of the fact you are just one fallible human being, part of an interdependent web of life.   A cog in the wheel, important but useless just on your own.

This may sound rather philosophical.  However, we all recognize true leaders through their self-respect and their humility.  And it takes a certain maturity to be comfortable with the paradoxes that exist in leadership.  A leader has to ‘shoot for the stars’, and be visionary, and yet keep their feet on the ground and know their limits.   They need be proactive and yet go with the flow.  They have to know their own worth, and yet know that true leadership, means being a steward of a role and task, that real progress or results can only be with the cooperation of everyone.

Being a steward within a leadership role, is really the corner stone of a great leader.  Most great leaders are very aware of their personal shortcomings; they don’t believe they have all the answers.  However, one thing they have usually recognized clearly, is that life is asking them to step up and let themselves be used for a purpose larger than their own personal concerns.  Being a mother or father is often a key leadership training ground for many adults.   When we can let go of our own agendas, fears and egos, and step into a larger vision of ourselves, that vision usually includes, using what life has given us to benefit others, whether children, team members or customers. 

Paradoxically, when we can put egos or limited self identities aside, and focus on what we can do for others, our personal gifts expand accordingly.  It is almost as if, with the intention to give to others, more is given to us, to pass on.  This can include, the gifts of increased intuition, inspirations and innovative ideas, increased wisdom and empathy, which brings improved communication and cooperation from others, increased energy and motivation, and eventually we may receive the gift of increased recognition, and rewards.  To a true leader however, these last two are more of a pleasant confirmation that they on the right track, rather than their sole motivation. 

As an administrative leader, you may not be at the helm of the whole ship, but where you are right now, is the best place to develop your leadership skills and your department.  In our course on Leadership for Administrative Leaders, we will focus on both the big picture, the purpose, vision, mission, values and attitudes you will need to excel in your position, as well the practical skills and tools to help you lead from any position in the company.  

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