Producing Professional Peak Performance in the 21st Century Training

Producing Professional Peak Performance
in the 21st Century Training

We are living in an incredible world of change and leadership transitions.  As goes the leader, so goes the pack!  This is so true from family, to the corporate world, as well as the global environment.  These professionally selected courses, are designed to introduce and focus on the real strategic leadership dynamics, that bring about peak performance success.

Gone are the days when companies spend almost all their training budget on technical and skill development. Today’s cutting edge companies and organizations are now selecting and incorporating peak performance training and staff personal development, with the ultimate goal of increasing the performance and productivity, both of the individual and the company.


Latest Educational Research

According to the Harvard Business Review, “85% of the reason a person gets, keeps and performs well in a job, depends on their ATTITUDE and only 15% on their APTITUDE”. (Aptitude is your University degree, diploma, training, knowledge etc.) It has been found that most Companies spend almost all their training budget on technical and skill development. However, today’s “cutting edge” Companies and Organizations, are now selecting and incorporating Peak Performance Training and Staff Personal Development, to increase the performance and productivity of their Staff.  Most training courses and programmes are in the 15% “aptitudinal” area (the hard skills, academic, and technical), but the major area, the 85% “attitudinal area (the soft skills, interpersonal relationships and transformational behaviour), is where we spend most of our time.  Our training programme, has been designed to correct this imbalance, and put the 15% + 85% together, to give 100% cutting edge, professional training.

The well known Cox Report on American Business, unequivocally stated that, “As many as 94% of the top executives of the Fortune 500 Companies, attributed their success, more to ATTITUDE, than any other ingredient!”  Professional excellence is primarily determined by harnessing and maximizing mind, attitude and motivation power.

At our specialised training courses, you will learn the secrets and practices, of top executives and C.E.O’s, who have really succeeded in their corporate culture. You will also learn how to inspire, equip and motivate others into a success, peak performance life style.


Latest Neuro / Brain Research

One of the most exciting developments, in the area of peak performance, personal development and expanded productivity, has come out of the latest neuro research, by Dr. Caroline Leaf, PhD.  With the previous neuro research teaching, that a person’s brain cannot be changed, the introduction on neuroplasticity and neurogenesis, has exploded into the educational and corporate world!  

  • Neuroplasticity can be defined as the ability of the brain to change its physical shape as a result of one’s experiences, thus allowing it to adapt to change.
  • Neuroplasticity has replaced the formerly-held position that the brain is a physiologically static organ, and explores how – and in which ways – the brain changes throughout life.
  • Neurogenesis is the birth of NEW BABY NERVE CELLS, born inside your brain, when you wake up every morning, to use wisely, as you remove destructive, toxic thoughts, and WIRE in new ones!

Understanding this latest research about the brain, Neuroplasticity and Neurogenesis, opens up individuals to incredible expanded creativity and personal empowerment!


We have selected the Best

We have selected a highly trained team of international Training Consultants to teach these cutting-edge, business dynamics, that will turbo-charge your personal and business life, and introduce to you, mindset changes that will motivate your life to an exciting new level!

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