Are you a Successful Project Manager?

Are you a Successful Project Manager?

Scenario 1: So you want to be, or are, a project manager, & deliver change in your organisation. You have been inspired by colleagues who manage projects and they appear to be successful in everything they do and are well respected. Your dream or aspiration is to be like them.

Scenario 2: You are experienced and have taken on a PM role that someone else has provided the original time and cost estimates; your gut feel tells you there is no way you will deliver the project on time and to budget.

You want to be a successful project manager but are you even questioning what success means? Is it delivering the project on time, to quality and within budget? Or are there other measures people are going to apply; and for how long will they continue to measure? If success is not achieved in one criteria, does that mean you have totally failed? Will I manage another project if I am not successful?

Let’s be realistic: projects rarely come in on time, on budget and to quality standards. Projects are not managed in a vacuum where you can control the environment. They do not simply obey and behave as predicted. Predicting the future is difficult – if it was that easy we would all be lottery winners. Successful project managers have communication skills to navigate a project through choppy waters. Assertiveness, the ability to negotiate and persuade are just a few skill sets. Whatever it takes, successful project managers get their message across to decision makers and key stakeholders, giving them the information to make decisions and keep the project a float or stop it.

People who deliver projects and bring about organisational change, will always face barriers, resistance and resentment. People in the business are used to their ways of working and consider themselves to be good at their job, even expert. Projects come along and turn their world upside down (again), forcing them to change something with which they were very comfortable.

Delivering projects is an exciting prospect in any organisation. Successful PM’s view project management as a dynamic career choice. If you observe them they are continuously developing themselves via research, networking, membership of professional bodies, and additional training and education.

With either scenario above, are you ready and equipped to deliver your next successful project. Are you are armed with the key tools, techniques, knowledge and skills to deliver successful change? In either case take a look at AZTech Project Management Training offerings.

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