The Management TransitionBecoming the Boss, You Want to Be

The Management Transition
Becoming the Boss, You Want to Be

In our course “The Management Transition” you will learn about management and how you can become ‘The boss you want to be’.

If you are new to a management role or have recently been promoted and want to learn more the opportunity you have been given to manage others, this is the course for you.

What is management? What are managers expected to do? How can they continue to do their own work, whilst also managing others? How can they allocate resources or tasks most effectively to ensure that the work gets done? Do all managers have direct reports? What if you have to manage people indirectly? What if you’ve been promoted over your colleagues? Why are some managers respected whereas others are detested? What do you need to do to become one of the good ones? How to cope with ever present change and its effect on staff, colleagues, superiors and customers?

We will explore your experiences of good and bad managers and compare these with the characteristics which management thinkers such as Henry Mintzberg, have identified. We will evaluate the ten roles for successful managers which he proposes:

  • Informational: monitor or scanning information, disseminator or sharing information with subordinates, the spokesperson or ambassador who shares with external stakeholders
  • Interpersonal: the figurehead, the leader and the liaison
  • Decisional: entrepreneur or ideas person, the disturbance handler who deals with the unexpected, the resource allocator who distributes work & means to work, and the negotiator.

Whatever their chosen field, e.g. finance, engineering, HR, junior employees are recruited for their knowledge, qualifications and technical abilities. As their career progresses and they gain management responsibility, the role develops to require more management and less technical skills.  This course gives delegates opportunities to find out more about leadership theories, the employee’s HR cycle form recruitment to exit, and how to manage resources other than people: financial, technical, informational and facilities. No matter what function or service you are in, there are common skills needed by managers to ensure that objectives are met and KPI’s delivered.

Dealing with change and uncertainty is a fact of life. Managers must make decisions with imperfect information or knowledge. Recognising that no decision is worse than a bad decision, delegates will learn about the psychology of decision making. They will learn creative techniques for problem solving. They will learn to recognise a key organisational paradox: the need for change and improvement versus the need to adhere to processes, procedures and regulations. Managers must learn to tread the middle ground and give support to their staff.

The opportunity to learn what management is and to develop new skills and awareness, is key to becoming a respected and effective manager. As Mintzberg said, managers need a combination of interpersonal, decision-making and information sifting abilities. Staff new to management need to understand what these are and how to carry out the role. Few of us can learn this purely on-the-job. Being guided by the experience and research undertaken by others, can jump start us into doing a great job more quickly. Do join us on this enjoyable and interactive course to learn about management.

For more details about this course please visit: The Management Transition

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