An intensive professional development training course on

Effective Performance
Management Systems

Impact of Emotional Intelligence, Change and
Talent Management and Succession Planning

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Why Choose this Training Course?

This Effective Performance Management Systems training course provides an effective way of understanding some of the most important pillars of Human Resources Management. It is an opportunity for all Human Resources Professionals and Leaders to learn how to implement effective Performance Management Systems in their organizations and its impact on employees in terms of the development of its Human Capital, which is the foundation for success and good performance. This requires an understanding of the human behavior of the employees in the organization by tackling the Emotional Intelligence concept. The Human Capital is the Intangible Asset of any organization and it is absolutely vital to be effectively managed. Organizational investment in people requires a focus on Developing, Retaining, Motivating and Implementing a Career Path System through Succession Planning.

This highly interactive and intensive training course will introduce delegates to a very powerful Modules and Tools that focus on those four important pillars of Human Resources Management.

This AZTech training course will feature:

  • Understanding Performance Management
  • Impact of Change Management and Emotional Intelligence on Performance Management
  • How does Change Management impact the Human Capital of the organization
  • Why Leadership and Culture of the organization is the important factor in driving change
  • Why investment in the Development of the Human Capital of the organization is vital for success
  • How Change Management encourages the organization to implement other motivational systems within the organization namely Career Development, Career Ladder and Succession Planning
  • How all the above four pillars impact the Strategic Performance of the organization using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Tool in measuring Performance

What are the Goals?

By the end of this AZTech training course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the meaning of Performance Management
  • Understand the impact of Change Management and Emotional Intelligence on Performance Management
  • Understand the methodology in Implementing Change Management
  • Realize the benefits of implementing Change Management in your organization
  • Realize the benefits of Implementing Career Development, Career Ladder and Succession Planning within your organization
  • Emphasis on the Human Capital Development as being one of vital element impacting the Balanced Scorecard of the Organization

Who is this Training Course for?

This AZTech training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • All planning personnel involved in Human Resources Management
  • All managers and leaders involved in Human Resources Management
  • Process and Quality Improvement personnel
  • Personnel with real leadership potential
  • Project Management Office (PMO) Managers
  • All HR Personnel with interest in Employees Performance and Appraisals

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This AZTech training course will utilize a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This includes interactive discussions, delegate engagement, various topic videos, case studies and exercises.

The Course Content

Day One: Understanding the meaning of Emotional Intelligence and Change Management
  • What is Change Management and Emotional Intelligence and how they impact Organizational Performance
  • The need for Change Management
  • Where do you start with Change Management
  • Orientation of Change Management – Past and Today
  • Anticipated reactions to Change Management
  • What are typically the things which are required to change
Day Two: Implementing Change Management – Part 1
  • Leadership and Culture in Change Management
  • How do you obtain organizational buy-in
  • What is the ADKAR Model
  • Implementing the change
  • How do you sustain the change
  • What is the impact of Appreciative Inquiry on Change Management
Day Three: Implementing Change Management – Part 2 and Talent Management
  • Organizational Alignment around the Change
  • Maintaining Excellence while Change is taking place
  • What is Talent Management and its impact on Change Management
  • Discussion around Retention Strategy
  • What are the best practices of an effective Talent Management
  • Discussion around effective Implementation of Appraisal Systems
Day Four: Implementing Career Development, Career Ladder and Succession Planning – Part 1
  • What is Career Development Plan
  • What are the best practices in developing a Career Development Plan
  • What is a Career Ladder and the process used in implanting it
  • Examples of Functional Career Ladders
  • How assessment of employees is conducted and by who during Career Ladder implementation
  • How Personal Development Plans are Developed after the implementation of the Career Ladder
Day Five: Implementing Career Development, Career Ladder and Succession Planning – Part 2 and Balanced Scorecard
  • Introduction to Succession Planning
  • Effective Assessment Tools used to identify potential successors
  • Introduction to the Performance Management Tool namely the Balanced Scorecard
  • Linking Change Management and Human Capital to the Balanced Scorecard
  • Developing Key Performance Indicators for Change Management and Human Capital Development
  • Developing a Balanced Scorecard and the scoring mechanism
  • Review and Wrap Up

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course


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