An intensive professional development training course on

Managing the Future of Work

05-06 Aug 2024
Paris - France
07-08 Oct 2024
London - UK
16-17 Dec 2024
Amsterdam - The Netherlands
20-21 Jan 2025
Dubai - UAE
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Why Choose this Training Course?

The future of work is being shaped by rapid technological advancements, evolving workforce demographics, and shifting organizational structures. This course, "Managing the Future of Work," is designed to prepare leaders and professionals to navigate these changes effectively. Participants will explore trends, develop strategic insights, and acquire the skills necessary to lead their organizations through the transformations impacting the workplace.

What are the Goals?

By the end of this AZTech training course, participants will be able to:

  • Gain insights into the key trends shaping the future of work
  • Learn to anticipate and plan for future challenges and opportunities
  • Acquire skills to leverage new technologies effectively
  • Foster a culture of flexibility and continuous learning
  • Equip participants with the tools to lead their organizations through change

Who is this Training Course for?

This training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Business Leaders and Executives responsible for strategic planning and organizational direction
  • HR Professionals involved in workforce planning and talent management
  • Managers and Team Leaders overseeing teams and adapting to new work trends
  • Innovation and Strategy Professionals tasked with driving innovation and adapting to change
  • Anyone keen on understanding and preparing for future workplace changes

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This AZTech training course will utilize a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. The facilitator will provide interactive presentation that incorporates slides, videos, group discussion, and practical exercises to examine all aspects of the topic.

The Course Content

Day One: Understanding the Future of Work
  • Introduction to the Future of Work: Overview of the course and its relevance in today's context
  • Key Trends Shaping the Future: Examination of trends such as automation, AI, remote work, and gig economy
  • Impact on Organizations and Workforce: Discussion on how these trends are transforming business operations and employee expectations
  • Case Studies: Analysis of organizations successfully navigating future work trends
Day Two: Strategic Foresight and Planning
  • Developing Strategic Foresight: Techniques for anticipating future trends and disruptions
  • Scenario Planning: Creating and analyzing different future scenarios to inform strategic decisions
  • Strategic Agility: Building an agile strategy that can adapt to changing circumstances
  • Group Exercise: Developing a strategic foresight plan for a hypothetical organization
Day Three: Technological Adaptability
  • Emerging Technologies: Overview of key technologies impacting the workplace (AI, blockchain, IoT, etc.)
  • Digital Transformation: Strategies for successfully implementing digital initiatives
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Leveraging data analytics to inform business decisions
  • Hands-on Workshop: Exploring and applying new technologies in a simulated environment
Day Four: Promoting Workforce Agility
  • Building a Flexible Workforce: Strategies for fostering adaptability and resilience among employees
  • Learning and Development: Creating continuous learning opportunities and upskilling programs
  • Employee Engagement and Wellbeing: Ensuring employee satisfaction and mental health in a changing work environment
  • Case Studies: Examples of organizations with agile and engaged workforces
Day Five: Leading Organizational Transformation
  • Change Leadership: Essential skills and strategies for leading through transformation
  • Culture of Innovation: Encouraging and sustaining innovation within the organization
  • Monitoring and Measuring Success: Tools for assessing the impact of change initiatives
  • Action Planning: Developing a personal and organizational action plan to apply course learnings
  • Reflective Practice: Reviewing lessons learned and identifying future opportunities for improvement

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the training course


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