Crisis Development and Opportunity Amidst the COVID-19 Outbreak

Crisis Development and Opportunity Amidst the COVID-19 Outbreak

We are facing a world crisis scenario like we have never ever faced before! The coronavirus, the COVID 19, has spun our world on its axis!  Hourly, daily and weekly, the impact is being felt, from the highest pinnacles of governments, right down to our private lives and homes! Questions bombard us!  Will I, and my family survive?  What will happen if I lose my job and income? How can I handle my business and staffing personnel? How can I re-evaluate and grow and expand my business in this dramatically changing world? How can I create a win-win situation, in this changing global environment?  How can I train my Staff to handle change and be successful?

The Crisis Challenge!

Fyodor Dostoevs, a Russian novelist, journalist and philosopher, has said, “Times of crisis, of disruption or constructive change, are not only predictable but desirable. They mean growth. Taking a new step, uttering a new word, is what people fear most.”

  • Here we see the challenge to grow and take new steps!

Stuart Wilde, a British writer, lecturer and teacher, said, “In a time of crisis we all have the potential to morph up to a new level and do things we never thought possible!”

  • Here we see the challenge to move to a new level and do the impossible!

Ruskin Bond, an Indian author, said, “In times of crisis, it’s wonderful what the imagination will do!

  • Here we see the challenge, to use and expand our creative imagination beyond where we have ever been before!

Rudolph W. Giuliani, Former Mayor of New York, has stated that “It is in times of crisis that good leaders emerge! 

  • Here we see the challenge, as an opportunity to select, shape and sharpen, a new breed of highly successful, motivated and proactive, professional leaders!

Crisis and Change Create New Opportunities!

A time of crisis forces and creates an opportunity to evaluate, change and improve! 

Either you manage change, or change will manage you! The biggest inhibitor to change lies within yourself, and that nothing gets better until you change!

Change allows you to – expand into new areas, develop your potential, increase your performance, enlarge your experience, and extend you into new dimensions!

Paradigm Shift

This will require a paradigm shift! A paradigm is a way we see the world around us, a world view. It is a radical change in how we think about an approach to something. To summarise, this meaning, “a paradigm shift, means a change of mindset, and a change of the way we see the world around us.

How to Reprogramme your Mindset?

How you respond or react to a crisis or a major change, will go through three progressive steps,

1. Think

a. Mind

2. Feel

b. Emotions

3. Do

c. Action

How you handle yourself personally, privately, publicly and professionally, will depend on how you manage this process, of think, feel and do!

It was Solomon who said, “As a man thinks, so shall he be!” and “Be careful how you think, your life is shaped by your thoughts!”

Transformational Training!

Most training courses you attend will be highly informational.  You attend, gain new information, but walk out the same person!  Our AZTech courses, are also highly informational, but are designed specifically to be transformational!  That is, you gain cutting edge information, but you walk out with a transformed and empowered mindset, to shape your future success!

Interpersonal Attitudinal Relationship Dynamics

The Cox report on American business, unequivocally stated that “As many as 94% of the top executives of the fortune 500 companies, attributed their success, more to attitude, than any other ingredient!”

According to a recent Harvard Business Review, 85% of the reason a person gets, keeps and performs well in a job, depends on their attitude and only 15% on their aptitude.

Dynamic Interpersonal Skills

Rosemary Haefner, vice president of human resources at CareerBuilder, states that “Technical competency and intelligence are important assets for every worker, but when it’s down to you and another candidate for a promotion or new job, dynamic interpersonal skills will set you apart,”

AZTech’s Future Shaping Success Training Courses!

Regardless of your position, your educational qualifications, your culture, your spiritual beliefs, it is going to be in this area, of attitudinal mindset dynamics and interpersonal relationship skills, that will determine how successful you will be!

Here at AZTech Training & Consultancy, we specialise and prioritise, in these crucial interpersonal, attitudinal relationship skills, to take you to personal and professional success! Our specially selected and highly qualified International Instructor’s, provide the latest, cutting edge training techniques and procedures, to make this possible.

Here is a selection of some of these cutting edge and career enhancing courses, conducted by Gerald Bradley, one of AZTech’s Senior Consultants.


Research has indicated, that only approximately 3% – 5% of people will be successful in life!  Choose today, and this year, to be in this select group and take yourself and your business into the success zone!  Remember, nothing happens, unless you make it happen!  Right now, choose your future success, and make it happen

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