Managing Employee Performance, Behavior and Attitudes

Managing Employee Performance, Behavior and Attitudes

Why almost everybody including employees and managers dread Performance Reviews and Appraisal? This is because we FEEL before we THINK.

Human behavior and attitude is a complex one and Psychologists have researched and published a lot of articles in relation to the subject. Among these publications is “The Nudge Theory”, which is one of the most popularized theory on human behavior and was credited mainly to American Academics Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein. The concept of the “Nudge Theory” is to understand how people think, make decisions, behave and manage change of all sort. It also identifies and modifies existing unhelpful influences on people. This training course will focus on this concept in more details.

The course will also focus on the aspect of Motivation and Performance of the employees, which are essential tools for the success of any organization in the long run. On one hand, measuring performance is critical to organization’s management, as it highlights the evolution and achievement of the organization. On the other hand, there is a positive relationship between employee motivation and organizational effectiveness, reflected in numerous studies. Employee contribution is something that can increase employee motivation. If an employee is regularly able to contribute thoughts, ideas, and suggestions to problems at hand or regular work activities, that is a feeling of accomplishment which goes a long way. It makes an employee feel as though he or she is important and, hence, their motivation is elevated.

In order to ensure that employees are motivated, organizations must include in their Strategic Plans initiatives that can Improve and Enhance the Human Resource Skills by developing tools related to Career Development, Career Ladder and Path and Succession Planning. Employees can only be motivated and have a positive attitude and behavior if they feel that the organization they work for have in place tools that can enhance their Capabilities and have a clear Career Path.

This training course will provide an effective way of understanding some of the most important pillars of Human Resources Management and their impact on the development of an effective Performance Management Systems. It is an opportunity for all Human Resources Professionals and Leaders to learn how to implement an Effective Performance Management Systems in their organizations and its impact on employees in terms of the development of its Human Capital, which is the foundation for success and good performance. This requires an understanding of the human behavior of the employees in the organization by tackling the Emotional Intelligence concept. The Human Capital is the Intangible Asset of any organization and it is absolutely vital to be effectively managed. Organizational investment in people requires a focus on Developing, Retaining, Motivating and Implementing a Career Path System through Succession Planning.

This highly interactive and intensive training course will introduce delegates to a very powerful Modules and Tools that focus on those important pillars of Human Resources Management.

Managing Employee Performance, Behavior and Attitudes

Saudi AZTech Training & Consultancy
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