An intensive professional development training course on

Advanced Contract Administration and Performance Benchmarking

13-17 Oct 2024
Jeddah - Saudi Arabia
13-17 Oct 2024
Jeddah - Saudi Arabia
04-08 Nov 2024
Dubai - UAE
04-08 Nov 2024
Dubai - UAE
20-24 Jan 2025
Dubai - UAE
20-24 Jan 2025
Dubai - UAE
24-28 Feb 2025
London - UK
24-28 Feb 2025
London - UK
03-07 Nov 2025
Dubai - UAE
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Why Choose this Training Course?

The Advanced Contract Administration and Performance Benchmarking training course is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills required to effectively administer complex contracts and benchmark their performance against industry standards. Through a combination of theoretical learning and practical case studies, participants will gain insights into advanced contract administration techniques and performance benchmarking strategies.

What are the Goals?

  • Understand advanced contract administration principles and best practices.
  • Learn how to effectively monitor and manage contract performance.
  • Gain insights into performance benchmarking methodologies.
  • Develop skills to identify and mitigate risks associated with contract administration.
  • Enhance contract negotiation and dispute resolution capabilities.

Who is this Training Course for?

  • Contract Managers
  • Procurement Professionals
  • Project Managers
  • Legal Counsel
  • Compliance Officers
  • Supply Chain Managers
  • Anyone involved in contract administration and performance evaluation

The Course Content

Day 1: Introduction to Advanced Contract Administration
  • Overview of contract administration principles
  • Key roles and responsibilities in contract administration
  • Understanding contract terms and conditions
  • Introduction to performance benchmarking in contract management
Day 2: Contract Performance Monitoring and Management
  • Developing performance metrics and KPIs
  • Techniques for monitoring contract performance
  • Implementing performance improvement initiatives
  • Case studies on successful contract performance management
Day 3: Advanced Contract Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
  • Strategies for negotiating complex contracts
  • Resolving disputes and conflicts in contracts
  • Alternative dispute resolution methods
  • Legal considerations in contract negotiation and resolution
Day 4: Performance Benchmarking Methodologies
  • Introduction to performance benchmarking
  • Types of benchmarking in contract management
  • Collecting and analyzing benchmarking data
  • Interpreting benchmarking results and making improvements
Day 5: Risk Management in Advanced Contract Administration
  • Identifying and assessing contract-related risks
  • Mitigating risks through effective contract administration
  • Strategies for managing contractual risks
  • Case studies on risk management in contract administration
Day 5: Risk Management in Advanced Contract Administration
  • Identifying and assessing contract-related risks
  • Mitigating risks through effective contract administration
  • Strategies for managing contractual risks
  • Case studies on risk management in contract administration
Day 4: Performance Benchmarking Methodologies
  • Introduction to performance benchmarking
  • Types of benchmarking in contract management
  • Collecting and analyzing benchmarking data
  • Interpreting benchmarking results and making improvements
Day 3: Advanced Contract Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
  • Strategies for negotiating complex contracts
  • Resolving disputes and conflicts in contracts
  • Alternative dispute resolution methods
  • Legal considerations in contract negotiation and resolution
Day 2: Contract Performance Monitoring and Management
  • Developing performance metrics and KPIs
  • Techniques for monitoring contract performance
  • Implementing performance improvement initiatives
  • Case studies on successful contract performance management
Day 1: Introduction to Advanced Contract Administration
  • Overview of contract administration principles
  • Key roles and responsibilities in contract administration
  • Understanding contract terms and conditions
  • Introduction to performance benchmarking in contract management


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