An intensive professional development training course on

Great Leadership

Developing Practical Leadership Skills
Being the Best Leader You Can Be

15-19 Jul 2024
Dubai - UAE
15-19 Jul 2024
Dubai - UAE
09-13 Sep 2024
Amsterdam - The Netherlands
09-13 Sep 2024
Amsterdam - The Netherlands
04-08 Nov 2024
London - UK
04-08 Nov 2024
London - UK
27-31 Jan 2025
Paris - France
27-31 Jan 2025
Paris - France
14-18 Jul 2025
Dubai - UAE
03-07 Nov 2025
London - UK
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Why Choose this Training Course?

Organisations need to nurture dynamic leaders who can help their employees to be productive and enterprising. This AZTech training course presents an opportunity for leaders and professionals to learn how to apply best leadership practice through the application of a range of tools and approaches.

In today’s fast moving constantly evolving environment, organisations need leaders who can motivate and inspire their teams and followers. They also need leaders who can effectively lead change and influence people to take on board those changes in difficult and challenging times.

The effective leader uses a range of tools and approaches to engage the team and achieve success. They also need to effectively ensure that they manage the required changes and improvements both effectively and with a high element of trust in their abilities and the abilities of their people.

Organisational performance is all about effective leadership and management and delivery that is more efficient, more effective and one that offers greater customer value than anyone else. As a leader and manager, it is your role to make this happen.

 This training course will feature:

  • An identification of the key leadership skills and competencies needed by leaders in the current turbulent business marketplace
  • An exploration of the leadership theories and approaches that contribute to high-performance working
  • An assessment of your leadership strengths and development areas which leads to a personal leadership improvement plan
  • The understanding and use of the key tools, theories and approaches that contribute to improved leadership competence
  • An exploration of how to effectively engage with and get buy-in from your teams and people
  • Ways and approaches to effectively lead change

What are the Goals?

By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand current thinking and theory as it appertains to Great Leadership
  • Build the necessary leadership skills and competencies
  • Use a range of skills, tools and approaches to improve their leadership
  • Understand how to lead effective change
  • Explore the key attributes and skills of an effective Strategic Leader
  • Apply a range of practical leadership skills to own organisation and context

Who is this Training Course for?

This AZTech training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Senior and Middle Leaders who wish to develop their practical leadership skills and competence
  • Team leaders and others who need to develop and improve their leadership skills
  • Professionals who wish to transform their way of working to a more practical and personal style of leadership
  • Aspiring leaders wishing to understand the next level of leadership
  • Anyone who is in a leadership position who wishes to explore the use of practical tools and develop skills in order to enhance their leadership capabilities

How will this Training Course be Presented?

This training course will combine presentations with interactive practical exercises, supported by video materials, activities and case studies. Delegates will be encouraged to participate actively in relating the principles of Great Leadership to their own organisational context.  The training course will introduce a wide range of practical tools and approaches to help the participants improve their leadership back in their own organisations.

This delivery style and approach is an interactive mixture of presentations, discussions, activities and practical exercises. Activities on real situations are used as are a selection of short video clips.

The Course Content

Day One: Becoming a Great Leader
  • How close am I to becoming a Great Leader? Self-Assessment and reflection
  • Manage your own emotions and the emotions of others
  • Understanding and building followership
  • Personality and Leadership Style
  • Overview of current leadership thinking and approaches including: Transformational Leadership, Trustworthy Leadership, Inspirational Leadership and Host Leadership
  • Effective leadership competencies
Day Two: Tools to Help Engage Your People
  • Tools to ensure buy-in to changes and improvements
  • Managing frictions and conflicts
  • Creating a positive working environment
  • Recognising change resistors
  • Effectively dealing with resistance to change
  • Motivating your followers
Day Three: Practical Team Leadership Skills
  • Key Team Leadership Skills
  • Understanding Team Processes
  • Building effective team working relationships
  • Skills and approaches to help motivate the team
  • Leading the Dysfunctional team
  • Building and Leading Effective Teams
Day Four: Practical Skills and Tools to Help Lead Change
  • What should we do and consider when implementing change?
  • Leading organisational change
  • Dealing with different reactions and responses to change
  • Tools to help people fully engage with change
  • Skills for when change goes wrong
  • The key skills of leading change
Day Five: Becoming a Great Strategic Leader
  • The difference between a Great Strategic and Operational Leader
  • Creating and communicating your Vision and Values
  • ‘Skills to Analyze and Strategize’
  • Leading the successful implementation of Strategy
  • Developing your Coaching and Mentoring Leadership Skills
  • Your personal Leadership Development Action Plan
Day Four: Practical Skills and Tools to Help Lead Change
  • The difference between a Great Strategic and Operational Leader
  • Creating and communicating your Vision and Values
  • ‘Skills to Analyze and Strategize’
  • Leading the successful implementation of Strategy
  • Developing your Coaching and Mentoring Leadership Skills
  • Your personal Leadership Development Action Plan
Day One: Becoming a Great Leader
  • How close am I to becoming a Great Leader? Self-Assessment and reflection
  • Manage your own emotions and the emotions of others
  • Understanding and building followership
  • Personality and Leadership Style
  • Overview of current leadership thinking and approaches including: Transformational Leadership, Trustworthy Leadership, Inspirational Leadership and Host Leadership
  • Effective leadership competencies
Day Two: Tools to Help Engage Your People
  • Tools to ensure buy-in to changes and improvements
  • Managing frictions and conflicts
  • Creating a positive working environment
  • Recognising change resistors
  • Effectively dealing with resistance to change
  • Motivating your followers
Day Three: Practical Team Leadership Skills
  • Key Team Leadership Skills
  • Understanding Team Processes
  • Building effective team working relationships
  • Skills and approaches to help motivate the team
  • Leading the Dysfunctional team
  • Building and Leading Effective Teams
Day Five: Becoming a Great Strategic Leader
  • What should we do and consider when implementing change?
  • Leading organisational change
  • Dealing with different reactions and responses to change
  • Tools to help people fully engage with change
  • Skills for when change goes wrong
  • The key skills of leading change

The Certificate

  • AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates who attend and complete the course


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